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scary_dream 09-09-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs (Post 89029)
If I was versing that girl, I would've quit after the first race. ::)

Something else that ticks me off, "Wario's Gold Mine". I really don't like that course...

Lol I don't mind it. I don't really mind any of the courses, except maybe the course with the Cataquacks. Those things ALWAYS go for me!!

As for quitting the game early, I would have, too. Cheaters are so ridiculous... I mean, it just proves that they CAN'T win any other way. It shows everyone else how much they suck at the game.

On the other hand, I hate playing online on the DS against one other person, only to be winning fair and square, and the other person drops out because they don't want a loss on their record. It stops your game short, you don't get the win, and it's just poor sportsmanship. I hate sore losers.

And in that same vein, I hate playing Brawl against one of my friends. He openly owns up to the fact that if there is an extremely cheap move that a character has, he will practice with it for days and then use it to the fullest extent to irritate the other person and win. He doesn't care how fun or competitive the game is, just that he beats you, and he always does it with one move over and over again. It's not even fun playing against him.

Oh, and if you give him a taste of his own medicine and do the same thing to HIM, he gets really mad. ::) Go figure.

L.G. 09-10-2008 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 90322)
"...And in that same vein, I hate playing Brawl against one of my friends. He openly owns up to the fact that if there is an extremely cheap move that a character has, he will practice with it for days and then use it to the fullest extent to irritate the other person and win. He doesn't care how fun or competitive the game is, just that he beats you, and he always does it with one move over and over again. It's not even fun playing against him.

Oh, and if you give him a taste of his own medicine and do the same thing to HIM, he gets really mad. ::) Go figure."

Yeah, cheapness stinks unless you can return it in spades :blooevil:. I'm guessing your friend uses Ike or Pit a lot? I guarantee you there's always a counter move or strategy around the most common cheap tactics. And if this person goes into the same pattern EVERY time, eventually you'll see where and when you can strike without leaving yourself open for too long. I always get a kick out of defeating other players who use the most popular fighters and tactics with a character that is labeled 'low tier.'

What bothers me in Brawl (and Melee before it) is that many players I would play with refuse to have items turned on(except final smashes in Brawl) and prefer Final Destination only for the most part. And I rarely see much variation in players' choices for fighters: Star Fox Characters and Fire Emblem characters are the most common picks from both Melee and Brawl (particularly the former).


taranchula 09-13-2008 08:07 PM

This new bus driver on my route who is so incredibly anal. Because in his mind if you're standing near the bus stop shelter and are not standing "directly" in front of the bus stop sign a few scant yards away, therefore you are in fact not waiting for a bus and thus he should be on his merry way.

Oh and when you do manage to flag him down and get on the bus, this guy will have the nerve to lecture you about your improper bus waiting habits. (And for someone like me who had been on their feet for eight hours a lecture is the last they want to deal with on the drive home.)

And no I am not being picky, every other driver on the route will stop if there are people in the general vicinity of the bus stop or shelter. Even if said people do not want to take particular bus and are waiting for a bus on a different route. (And believe me I have taken this route for a year and a half and that's the way it's always been.)

Because that is what you're supposed to do at an occupied bus stop...stop. (And if no one wants to take the bus, just wait ten seconds and then go!) The only time a driver should drive on by is when there are no people at the stop, end of discussion.

Well glad to get this off my chest, I know doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things but when you're tired even the little annoyances can seem like titanic ones.

And besides there isn't anything I can really do about it anyways, I could call the city and complain but really this doesn't seem like the kind of thing they would listen to. Besides I know this transit route well, this guy will more then likely be gone in a couple of months anyways.

Cassini90125 09-13-2008 08:30 PM

You have my sympathy. I remember one incident years back when the driver pulled away from the bus stop while some guy was racing to catch up. We came to a traffic light maybe 50 yards further up the road and the guy caught up but the driver wouldn't let him board because the traffic light was not a bus stop. Give me a break; the driver saw him running when he pulled away from the stop to begin with. Couldn't he have waited another 10 seconds? Apparently not, and apparently he lacked the decency to open the door and let the man board, too. It's this lack of courtesy and common decency that ticks me off no end. There's no reason for it, none at all, and it's sad. :frankiemad:

Sparky 09-13-2008 08:34 PM

When my TiVo goes to the wrong channel when I've programmed it to record something. Worse is when it goes to a channel and records, completely unlike what I wanted.

Case in point: it was supposed to get Oldboy, an Asian film made famous by it's violent imagery. What I got was That's So Raven.

Cassini90125 09-13-2008 08:41 PM

I would never trust TiVo or any similar service. I much prefer a DVR unit that doesn't rely on an outside signal for start, stop, and channel info.

taranchula 09-13-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 91252)
You have my sympathy. I remember one incident years back when the driver pulled away from the bus stop while some guy was racing to catch up. We came to a traffic light maybe 50 yards further up the road and the guy caught up but the driver wouldn't let him board because the traffic light was not a bus stop. Give me a break; the driver saw him running when he pulled away from the stop to begin with. Couldn't he have waited another 10 seconds? Apparently not, and apparently he lacked the decency to open the door and let the man board, too. It's this lack of courtesy and common decency that ticks me off no end. There's no reason for it, none at all, and it's sad. :frankiemad:

Oh that also reminds of another jerky bus driver moment. Where one time I was on a bus where the driver stopped at a stop with a group of people, down the road was a mother and her young son running towards the bus, and the driver hurried on the other passengers and pulled away just as the Mother and Son got to the bus stop.

Thankfully in my neck of the woods these instances are more of the exception rather then the rule, and that I can proudly say that 99 percent of all the public transit personal I deal with on a daily bases, are totally awesome and are a credit to their profession.

Cassini90125 09-13-2008 09:54 PM

It's the exception rather then the rule here as well. Unfortunately it's the exceptions that tend to stand out. Happily, once in awhile you meet an exception from the opposite end of the spectrum. There was one driver I recall who was a perfect example of this - courteous, friendly, helpful to anyone who needed a hand with their bags, and knew the area like the back of his hand. If you needed to know how to get from the next stop to X street or a particular address, or anything about connecting with the next bus on a different route, all you had to do was ask and you'd get concise, easy to remember information. A true gentleman, this guy. I wish I'd had the wit to get his name; he surely deserved a commendation or two for his efforts. Heck of an example for a lot of us to look up to. :frankiesmile:

Mac-a-lacka 09-13-2008 11:04 PM

Neighbors, who try to sneak on the farm for "free" animals. Like when me and my older sister found the door to the peacock pen wide open and all of them were loose. None were missing but, we're all sure that our neighbors tried to snatch a few. :frankiemad: :terrence: :edmad: >:(

Nyo 09-14-2008 10:08 AM

I really hate fanfics that pretty hit you over the head with this piece-o'-crap message:

It's a good FLIPPIN' GREAT idea if you mindlessly pursure popularity at any price!

Seeing books about this message aimed at kids and teens make me a sad panda :macwor:

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