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Bloo2daMacs 09-02-2008 11:48 AM

Yeah. "AH HAH HAH HAH". Jeez...

Lately I've been really bad at that game, and I keep losing "BR". That gets pretty annoying. All the Japanese people I've ever battled are so good at that game.

FUN FACT: You cannot play as a Mii named "Hitler" online. However, Devil and God are allowed.

antgirl1 09-02-2008 02:13 PM

Which is why I stick to online games that are for computers. Online gaming from your consoles seem like a pointless idea and who will keep others from cheating? NO ONE. As far as I'm concerned, and from what I'm hearing, nobody keeps anyone from cheating or playing unfairly. Honestly, you DON'T win if you have to cheat. (even if it says you did) You don't DESERVE to win if you have to cheat in games. If you worked hard to win and played fairly, you'll feel a whole lot more accomplished.

Play fair, or be SQUARE'D.

Bloo2daMacs 09-02-2008 04:43 PM


..Wait, that's supposed to be "quitters never win." Oh well, my statement makes just as much sense.

I'm never very serious. Why do I make a joke/witty remark in each of my posts? I also like to end every post on the lighter side... That's what ticks me off.

Sparky 09-02-2008 06:03 PM

I have been getting covered with bug bites while sitting at the computer for the past few days. I can't sleep for the itching. I have bites all over both feet and legs and a few on my arms now. I just keep getting new ones. :( No ant-itch creams are working.

L.G. 09-02-2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by antgirl1 (Post 88999)
Online gaming from your consoles seem like a pointless idea and who will keep others from cheating? NO ONE. As far as I'm concerned, and from what I'm hearing, nobody keeps anyone from cheating or playing unfairly. Honestly, you DON'T win if you have to cheat. (even if it says you did) You don't DESERVE to win if you have to cheat in games. If you worked hard to win and played fairly, you'll feel a whole lot more accomplished.

And the way I see winning is that you should win using tactics, cars, etc. that you like, not necessarily the most popular.

And speaking of cheaters...Mario Kart Wii: HACKER with INFINITE Blue Shells EXPOSED!!! This player ends up blowing herself up in the first race (although she ultimately won) and placing 5th (in a field of 9) in the 2nd race.

Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs (Post 88981)
FUN FACT: You cannot play as a Mii named "Hitler" online. However, Devil and God are allowed.

Good to know. I've seen Time Trial ghosts by Jesus Mii's.

back to the topic--I forgot some of my Wii games back at home and didn't realize it until I got back to my dorm. :wiltyeahright: Lovely... And then my TI-83 calculator's batteries are dead and I made a mistake of buying rechargeable batteries when I need regular ones.

DAH! :scribble:

Bloo2daMacs 09-02-2008 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 89028)

If I was versing that girl, I would've quit after the first race. ::)

Something else that ticks me off, "Wario's Gold Mine". I really don't like that course...

jekylljuice 09-09-2008 09:09 AM

One word: Litterers.

They tick me off so much. Particularly if there's a bin only twenty seconds or so away. :frankiemad:

Sparky 09-09-2008 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 90167)
One word: Litterers.

They tick me off so much. Particularly if there's a bin only twenty seconds or so away. :frankiemad:

GM and I have been mean about that. If we're out and we *see* someone litter next to a trash bin, we'll pretend we didn't see them do it, and pick up the garbage and loudly comment on the stupidity of the litterer as we throw it away. Of course the guilty party would never speak up or anything.

Cassini90125 09-09-2008 12:33 PM

I seldom see much litter around here. Kind of surprising. When I do encounter it it's no big deal to grab it and toss it in the next public trash can I run into. Why the original owners couldn't bother doing it themselves I don't know; it's not like it takes any real effort.

some guy you dont know 09-09-2008 01:15 PM

not having enough room on my laptop. it only has so much (20 something or other, i dont know what exactly.) and having civilization IV, which takes up around a tenth of the room, i think. so now i cant play it (at least right now i cant.)

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