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frankie_fan 06-27-2008 08:05 PM

Airplane! (also known in Australia as Flying High!)

A comedy classic. I had to get it on DVD because I've had it on video for too long. I really love this movie, especially the whole 'Roger, Oveur' scene. Classic stuff. :frankiesmile:

Nathander 06-27-2008 09:47 PM

Heavy Metal

An animated cult classic from 1981, I had been wanting to see it forever. I wasn't disappointed. In fact, I was incredibly surprised by the quality of the animation, especially during the segment Captain Sterrn (which, despite being one of the shortest segments, was one of my favorites). They're making a second movie in the vein of the original film (unlike Heavy Metal 2000, which deviated horribly) that's due to show up in 2010. I definitely hope to see it when it comes out.

Mr. Marshmallow 06-27-2008 10:07 PM


Pixar truly is the holy God of computer animation, they never EVER fail to deliver a masterpiece and each time I find it impossible to think they can outdo themselves but, they did. Wall-E is without a doubt (in my opinion) the greatest movie they have made yet, it is magnificent and absolutely freaking flawless.

Its smart, its original, its fresh, its cute, its funny, its touching and its beautiful. Incredibles still ranks as my favorite Pixar movie of all time but in terms of quality, I see a true champion with this movie. I was so shocked at how original the story was and the novel ideas with how the humans live in the future.

Wall-E and his fellow fem bot co-star E.V.E are cute as cute can be and I absolutely loved watching them interact through out the movie. Flat out opinion: stop reading and start watching, GO SEE THIS MOVIE:D !!!

koosie 06-28-2008 06:00 AM

Visitor Q

Takashi Miike does it again. A grotesque, funny, disturbing and very adult film. Should I even mention it here? Anyway it has that great thing a lot of good movies have where you don't know whether the central character is an angel or a demon. Maybe both, maybe neither. The best character is the father, who has to be the world's worst TV reporter.

An evil film. Not for the faint-hearted.

kaytea 06-28-2008 02:47 PM

and I have to agree with what Mr. Marshmallow said

my mom hated it caus "there was barely any talking" >_>;

taranchula 06-28-2008 08:05 PM

Futurama: The Beast With a Billion Backs

The second in the quadrilogy of direct to DVD films from one of the best animated series' in the past 20 years. While the first film (Bender's Big Score) felt more epic and had the slightly better story. BWBB had a lot more of the classic Futurama wit and charm, plus it gave ample face time to a lot of the popular supporting characters who got short changed in BBS. Kif, Calculon, Zapp Brannigan and Wernstrom! for example all got a pretty good amount of screen time.

Anyone who is the slightest fan of Futurama would do well to check this one out.

Now I am off to petition the Olympic committee to make "Death Ball" an official sport in the 2012 games.

jekylljuice 06-30-2008 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 81744)
Futurama: The Beast With a Billion Backs

The second in the quadrilogy of direct to DVD films from one of the best animated series' in the past 20 years. While the first film (Bender's Big Score) felt more epic and had the slightly better story. BWBB had a lot more of the classic Futurama wit and charm, plus it gave ample face time to a lot of the popular supporting characters who got short changed in BBS. Kif, Calculon, Zapp Brannigan and Wernstrom! for example all got a pretty good amount of screen time.

Still no That Guy though, I take it? Oh well, at least it's not on quite the same par as leaving Sideshow Bob out of the Simpsons Movie. I will NEVER forgive 20th Century Fox for that.

How's Mom been faring in these Futurama movies so far then? I always thought that she was a really cool character who deserved a lot more screen time. Before Futurama first premiered in the UK, I remember reading an article which stated that she would be the main villain of the series, but I only actually remember seeing her in four or five episodes overall.

taranchula 06-30-2008 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by jekylljuice (Post 81803)

How's Mom been faring in these Futurama movies so far then? I always thought that she was a really cool character who deserved a lot more screen time. Before Futurama first premiered in the UK, I remember reading an article which stated that she would be the main villain of the series, but I only actually remember seeing her in four or five episodes overall.

Mom only got a brief cameo in the movie itself, but she did play a huge role in one of the DVD extras. The extra in question was sort of a "Lost episode" of Futurama which was just a collection of cut-scenes from the 2003 Futurama video game, in which Mom was the main villain.

Mr. Marshmallow 07-02-2008 08:54 PM

Fright Night

A classic old 80's horror movie, well horror comedy actually. I was really impressed at the fantastic make up and special effects this movie had for its day and age. It looked very unique and original as opposed to crappy CGI monsters. The actors were way over the top and I loved every minute of it, they really made the movie much more fun and much more enjoyable to watch.

I always enjoy seeing Roddy McDowell on camera as well, I'm so glad I finally picked this movie up. This movie really withstood the test of time and I think still stands as one of the better vampire movies with better special effects then most people give older movies credit for.

kageri 07-02-2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 81744)
Futurama: The Beast With a Billion Backs

The second in the quadrilogy of direct to DVD films from one of the best animated series' in the past 20 years. While the first film (Bender's Big Score) felt more epic and had the slightly better story. BWBB had a lot more of the classic Futurama wit and charm, plus it gave ample face time to a lot of the popular supporting characters who got short changed in BBS. Kif, Calculon, Zapp Brannigan and Wernstrom! for example all got a pretty good amount of screen time.

Anyone who is the slightest fan of Futurama would do well to check this one out.

Speaking of Bender's Big Score, I found that time-travel plot confusing, which I guess was probably sort of the point. Then again, I found the time-travel plot in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure fairly confusing as well. I think maybe my brain can't handle anything more than the most linear plot possible. I still can't really keep Harry Potter's straight.

If Fry and Leela don't get together by the end of all this I'll probably have an aneurysm.

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