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koosie 08-20-2008 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 87872)
That reeeaaalllllyyy makes me mad too, hearing how people can think of animals as just "things". They are family, dang it! If you're going to treat your pet like that, you might as well be tearing my heart out, ripping it to shreds and then stomping on the remains. :terrence: :madwilt: :mad:

Yeh it is out of order. Like a tiny child, your pet doesn't really know any better, it can't understand why it's suffering or what can be done to stop it. To react to innocence with cruelty is the sign of a totally broken human and that's what you are, you should get fixed or get the hell off this planet.

However sometimes pets can be nasty to other pets. Poor old Katrina (housemate's cat) went to the vets today after losing a load of blood from a wound sustained very probably in a fight with a neighbour's cat. Seriously there was cat blood everywhere when I came home for lunch. She looks all sad and pathetic now limping around with her back leg bandaged up and all doped up on diazepam but she'll live.

L.G. 08-20-2008 05:10 PM

Indefensible. That's all I can say about those three bird abuse stories.

Cassini90125 08-20-2008 08:29 PM

And once again I have been forced to call the police because my upstairs neighbors think that 12:30 AM is the perfect time to share their damn movie soundtrack with me whether I like it or not. Sheesh, it sounds like a friggin' IMAX up there tonight.

I hate these people. I've never met them but I genuinely hate them. :terrence:

Lynnie 08-20-2008 10:59 PM

Fog. ::)

On the way home today, we stopped by Mt. St. Helens, otherwise known as the lower 48's volcano. I haven't seen that mountain or her crater in years, and was so looking forward to seeing it today. But nope. Couldn't see a thing thanks to fog. I was so upset! Especially when the sun started coming out and burning some of it off and I got my hopes up that maybe the mountain would peek through just long enough for me to take a picture. But that's all it burnt off- "some". A few minutes later, more fog rolled in. And I saw more of nothing.

Sparky 08-22-2008 02:52 PM

The new Levi's commercial. This woman and a man are going up the stairs in an apartment building unbuttoning their Levi's and being sexy while making small confessions to eachother. The woman lets them into an apartment. The man confesses that he's been sleeping in his car and the woman's all, "That's okay, this isn't even my apartment," and she puts the lights on so we can see photos of some family on the walls. They keep undressing - they're going to do it in some family's apartment.

So...go out and buy Levi's, folks! And maybe you too can pork someone you just met in some strange family's home. :/

Bloo2daMacs 08-22-2008 04:16 PM

"Pop-unders". Pop-up's evil twin cousin. See, pop-unders are like pop-ups, they're ads that open in a new window, only pop-unders pop UNDER your current window, so you don't see them 'til you leave your current website.

Apparently, Google Pop-up blocker doesn't identify them, either... *grumble*

Sparky 08-22-2008 04:44 PM

:wiltshock: I hadn't heard of those before.

Bloo2daMacs 08-22-2008 04:48 PM

Really? I get them all the time. For example,

They're pretty annoying... >:[

Lynnie 08-22-2008 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Bloo2daMacs (Post 88144)
"Pop-unders". Pop-up's evil twin cousin. See, pop-unders are like pop-ups, they're ads that open in a new window, only pop-unders pop UNDER your current window, so you don't see them 'til you leave your current website.

Apparently, Google Pop-up blocker doesn't identify them, either... *grumble*

I hear ya. The really bad ones are the ones that have some kind of flash or java embedded into them, and they slow your computer and/or connection down. I've gotten in the habbit of checking the taskbar occasionally to see if there are any there (my taskbar is in auto-hide). If I'm lucky, I may see the "blip" on the screen when it first pops up, and I know it's there so I can close it right away. That rarely happens though. ::)

taranchula 08-22-2008 07:44 PM

Speaking of annoying internet ads, the kind that really grinds my gears are the ads that talk or play music.

Which is especially annoying when I am trying to listen to music as I surf.

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