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Lynnie 08-01-2008 06:41 PM

A similar yet different scenario at my complex. Of course rent it due the first of every month. They give us a four day "grace period" before we have to also pay a late fee, but if we pay rent even a day late, a record is kept of it, and it could effect our credit. Pretty typical actually.

There was a drop box just outside the office for those who wanted to drop rent off after office hours. As long as it was in the box by the next morning, you were safe. But around March, some jerk broke into the box and stole a bunch of rent checks. This of course screws over the tenants who DID pay rent on time, were even able to prove it, it's just their checks were suddenly MIA. And in turn it screws over the management who have to find some way to get that money and send it to the community corporate office. Unfortunately that drop box is now out of commission, and we'll unlikely be using one again in order to prevent this from happening again. Now we HAVE to bring rent in during office hours. And that can be hard. Some requests have been turned in to the management so someone can be there earlier and later on the first of the month than on a "usual" day. They're trying to work something out, but they're short handed due to cut hours now too along with pretty much every other business in the country right now, and will probably have to do that on a voluntary basis. For us tenants, paying on time can be an issue if we're gone for 12+ hours every day and there's just no way we can get to the office on time, unless one's lucky enough to have a neighbor/friend whom they trust enough to bring their rent checks in for them. And paying early can be hard too if your payday isn't until the 1st.

It's one of those cases where one jerk seriously ruins it for everybody. :terrence:

Cassini90125 08-01-2008 06:48 PM

Sounds familiar. There's a box for outgoing mail here, right next to the inboxes, but I won't even think about using it. I hike up to CVS and use the mailbox by the bus stop. My rent check and bills are a lot safer there.

Howard 08-01-2008 10:18 PM

I'll tell you what REALLY chaps my hide and offends me: My friends who play Rock Band or Guitar Hero, and they invite me to play. No offense to anyone I am not a gamer. They have the nerve to tell me "well you are musician, you should be good at it!" What these folks do NOT understand, is playing the game guitar and playing a REAL guitar are completely different! I tried both games - and failed miserably. So I go back to what I am good at - playing REAL music.:bendy:

L.G. 08-02-2008 09:50 AM

I was on the phone with my father, and all of sudden I hear a car horn on his end. Turns out he was honking at someone who stopped at the end of an on-ramp with a short acceleration lane afterward. He absolutely hates it when people do that cause there isn't always a decent acceleration lane if there is one to get up to 55 or 65mph (about 90-105 km/h) once the ramp ends. Situations like that are probably a pet peeve of mine too, but I have not met those drivers recently.

Edit: For those of you who play Mario Kart Wii, you won't believe what I discovered just a few minutes ago. I was looking at the rankings for the current tournament, and I saw a record of 00:00:004. I'm saying to myself, "WHAT??! That's impossible!" The record holder's (read...cheater) name was "Ihack@you"...

Cassini90125 08-04-2008 08:25 AM

The mailbox saga, part two. I called the post office about 20 minutes ago; they directed me to the police. An officer is on his way. Now, hopefully, something will get done.

Edit - ... or not. The officer told me that since the mailbox is management's property, management has to be the one to file a complaint. It looks like the best I can hope for is to get it repaired in a timely manner, which isn't too likely.

Have I mentioned that this building sucks? 'Cause it does. :frankiemad:

L.G. 08-04-2008 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 84826)
The mailbox saga, part two. I called the post office about 20 minutes ago; they directed me to the police. An officer is on his way. Now, hopefully, something will get done.

Edit - ... or not. The officer told me that since the mailbox is management's property, management has to be the one to file a complaint. It looks like the best I can hope for is to get it repaired in a timely manner, which isn't too likely.

Have I mentioned that this building sucks? 'Cause it does. :frankiemad:

In my honest opinion, maybe now is the time to start looking for another apartment. If management there is giving ya this much trouble now, there's no telling what else will go wrong, and it's not worth the aggravation staying there and finding out first hand.:(

creamz06 08-04-2008 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 84702)
Edit: For those of you who play Mario Kart Wii, you won't believe what I discovered just a few minutes ago. I was looking at the rankings for the current tournament, and I saw a record of 00:00:004. I'm saying to myself, "WHAT??! That's impossible!" The record holder's (read...cheater) name was "Ihack@you"...

Whoa. I may not play Mario Kart Wii, but that must've been a little scary seeing that all of a sudden.

Another "ticker":
I'm seeing other towns and/or cities with different sirens. Rapid City's got two that I know of and one that's new. I wish we had something else, though, and had our old one still. I also wish our's could be tested once a month at noon or something. Our's is yearly. What if it goes off and sounds like it's moaning in pain? "Errrrr... ow."

fosters home fan 08-04-2008 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by creamz06 (Post 84843)

Another "ticker":
I'm seeing other towns and/or cities with different sirens. Rapid City's got two that I know of and one that's new. I wish we had something else, though, and had our old one still. I also wish our's could be tested once a month at noon or something. Our's is yearly. What if it goes off and sounds like it's moaning in pain? "Errrrr... ow."

I know a good bit about sirens.

It seems as though a good number of communities have been buying newer sirens recently. I din't know why, but, Wisconsin seems to be an exception, thank goodness. Some of the newer sirens are quite prone to faults and stuff. Is this the siren you're talking about?

Our sirens test every week in Fond Du Lac county. So, we sure know when they're working. :) ;)

Partymember 08-04-2008 10:44 PM

the fact that i am not currently at a Judas Priest concert. "Hell Bent For Leather" is a great song but i'd like to be front row headbanging right now :P

haven't been to a single show all summer :(

ideal concert: Pantera, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath with Led Zeppelin

\m/ :bloogrin: \m/

koosie 08-05-2008 01:35 PM

Who'd have thought you'd get 2 siren fans on a non-siren forum? Perhaps sirens are more popular on the other side of the Atlantic because you tend to need them a bit more.

Yes and favourite Judas Priest song: Freewheel Burning!

However I'm here to complain about 2 days of dreary drizzle I've had to endure. It's another thing hard to imagine in the US. You must get drizzle at some point? Surely on the east coast?

Anyway it's ok if you're just out for a walk because you come in and dry off by the fire with a nice cup of tea but if you're out all day working in it you just get thoroughly soggy and everything's twice as heavy and by the end of the day you're just tired and sick of it all. Still, this is what we have now. We make the best of it. This is the road we travel.

Winner. :(

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