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Nathander 12-21-2006 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by TrickyDisco (Post 21503)
IMHO those to are quite the pair, and what makes Foster's worth watching. :)

Very true. I think the frienship between Bloo and Mac is one of the most endearing things about the series, and one of the reasons I keep watching it (not the only reason, granted, but a large one). I could honestly watch episodes involving the two just hang out for days.

THis has been on my mind a bit, though. While we're almost always treated to the intelligent side of Mac, usually due to the fact that he (as well as Frankie) acts as the bastion of sanity in what could otherwise be a (albeit fun and safe) madhouse, we very rarely get a glimpse of his creative side (which we know exists). One of the only real instances I can recall us getting a glimpse of this side is "Make Believe It Or Not", which is one of the reasons I liked that episode so much.

Really, I'd just like to get to see his creative side more often.

some guy you dont know 12-22-2006 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nathander (Post 24001)
Very true. I think the frienship between Bloo and Mac is one of the most endearing things about the series, and one of the reasons I keep watching it (not the only reason, granted, but a large one). I could honestly watch episodes involving the two just hang out for days.

THis has been on my mind a bit, though. While we're almost always treated to the intelligent side of Mac, usually due to the fact that he (as well as Frankie) acts as the bastion of sanity in what could otherwise be a (albeit fun and safe) madhouse, we very rarely get a glimpse of his creative side (which we know exists). One of the only real instances I can recall us getting a glimpse of this side is "Make Believe It Or Not", which is one of the reasons I liked that episode so much.

Really, I'd just like to get to see his creative side more often.

agreed. we dont see that much. its nice to have mac as the resident brains of the group, but we need more of him using his brain outside of the box.

Voxxyn 12-23-2006 06:13 AM

I agree, I'm sure he's a very creative boy. :)

Invader Bloo 12-23-2006 06:24 AM

I don't like how the writer(s) of "One False Movie" wrote Mac as being a theif. It doesn't fit his character real well. :/

Voxxyn 12-23-2006 06:40 AM

I don't really blame Mac for that. IMO, Bloo was so much of a utter bastard that I would've HATED the episode were it not for the surrounding funny parts. I was almost rooting for Mac to snap and smack/strangle Bloo.

(Before I get pegged as being "a treehugger who always wants everything to be happy": I love Bloo and think he's a great and funny character, but I also believe that he CAN be too much of a jerk sometimes, which is what he was in that episode.)

Medikor 12-23-2006 09:42 AM

I thought the best part of OFM was Tom Hanks muffled lines!8D But Bloo was overbearing in that episode. I think it was just a lesson of not giving into peer pressure (Bloo hinting to Mac to sell Maddam Fosters reliks) and to not have someone else do the work for you and you take all the credit. That or don't give Bloo creative licance.8D

Invader Bloo 12-23-2006 11:00 AM

Yeah Mac should of jsut took Bloo's script & fired him.:)

some guy you dont know 12-23-2006 11:41 AM

yeah but then the episode would have been over. that would dissapoint some fans (i honestly liked that episode)

taranchula 12-23-2006 11:51 AM

I too enjoyed that episode a great deal, and it wasn't like Bloo totally forced Mac into stealing things and selling them to raise money.

All Bloo did was state that the movie was over budget and they needed more money to continue, how Mac got his hands on said money was irrelevant to Bloo just as long as the money was there. Granted it was all Bloo's fault that they went over budget in the first place so you know there's that.

Invader Bloo 12-24-2006 09:41 AM

Yes, that episode is in my top 10 episodes (mainly because of the movie itself). But Mac stole which is not in his character IMHO.

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