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Sparky 11-01-2008 08:19 PM

I've been downloading too - full Nintendo DS games. GM got me an R4 card last year and I never really did use it as much as I'd intended to until yesterday when I realised I could torrent DS games. (Like everything else I torrent, if I like it I buy it.) That Case Files Millionheir game is addicting.

Lynnie 11-27-2008 06:59 PM

Getting text messages from two different friends wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving, one of whom has never texted me before and I'm just delighted to hear from him! Also, my brother actually kept his word and called me to wish me Happy Thanksgiving, and I always like talking to him. I miss him! The dork... 8D

*looks at clock* Oh, and it's 7:59! That's totally going to make my day for the next hour and a half! :clap: :bloogrin: :yeah:

Sparky 11-28-2008 09:04 PM


I wish I had had my camera...GM and I went to the local bird store to kill some time today, and they were chock-full of 4-6 month old parrots for the holiday season. BABY PARROTS EVERYWHERE. Thank goodness Kiwi hates other birds so much or I would have a flock by now.

I gravitate more to the smaller birds like the conures and Meyers, so I was over by those cages talking to some Hahn's macaws. The bluecrown conure next door kept purring at me to talk to him so I was leaning his way. Then I felt something - the two half-moon conures under the bluecrown had gotten hold of the zipper of my Foster's hoodie - I was a prisoner!! But then they decided to eat eachother's feet so I escaped. Then I wandered over to the bigger birds and a fluffy Severe macaw decided I belonged to him but the orangewing Amazon next door begged to differ in the cutest ways he could manage. The whole time the hawkheaded parrots were out-awesomeing everybody by their very awesomeness.


Ridureyu 11-28-2008 09:41 PM

This sounds like that time I went into a pet store, and some puppies began fighting each other for the honor of snuggling at me. One smooshed himself up against the glass, the other forcefully shoved him out of the way, and they started wrestling.

Ridureyu 12-01-2008 03:07 PM

After six months without, I may have my camera back!

jekylljuice 12-01-2008 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 100562)
After six months without, I may have my camera back!

Excellent news! Take many beautiful pictures with it, Rid.

One Radical Dude 12-01-2008 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 100562)
After six months without, I may have my camera back!

You found it? Where was it?

Ridureyu 12-01-2008 03:23 PM

It appears to have been in old linen.

Ridureyu 12-02-2008 05:06 PM

Putting together the new console/entertainment center/cabinet/platform thingie and rewiring the TV-DVR-DVD-VHS-Game systems with minimal trouble:bloogrin:

This ties in with This

taranchula 12-02-2008 07:40 PM

Pine tree scented air freshener, makes my room/office smells like Christmas. :bloogrin:

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