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Cassini90125 05-10-2008 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 78455)
i last saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade... still amazing

Definitely my favorite of the three Indy movies. :)

Mr. Marshmallow 05-10-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 78464)
Definitely my favorite of the three Indy movies. :)

Mine would have to be the first one, "Raiders of the Lost ark".

Last movie I watched was Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, truly the BEST of the prequels and in some ways I think, almost as good as one of the original 3. Almost.

Partymember 05-10-2008 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 78464)
Definitely my favorite of the three Indy movies. :)

oh yeah.

Sean Connery (not to mention Elsa, the blonde woman) pretty much ruled that movie

Cassini90125 05-10-2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 78474)
oh yeah.

Sean Connery (not to mention Elsa, the blonde woman) pretty much ruled that movie

Elsa was played by Alison Doody. :)

frankie_fan 05-10-2008 09:12 PM

Australia is airing The Last Crusade on Wednesday, so I might give that a shot, even though I've seen a couple of scenes. The seagull being one of them! :frankiesmile:

Cassini90125 05-10-2008 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 78491)
Australia is airing The Last Crusade on Wednesday, so I might give that a shot, even though I've seen a couple of scenes. The seagull being one of them! :frankiesmile:

Definitely see it if you have the time, it's worth it. ;)

AerostarMonk 05-10-2008 09:24 PM

Speed Racer

This movie is fantastic. Unfortunately, it's been getting a heaping helping of bad reviews that all pretty much say the same thing: the racing is cool, but the story drags. This reviewer says this is simply not true. All of Speed Racer moves at a breakneck pace that barely feels like 130 minutes. The entire movie is a visual feast. Never before has the live action world so faithfully emulated the animated. And have I mentioned the colors or the enviroments? Somewhere in between Blade Runner and Oz lies the world of Speed Racer with its futuristic candy colored neon citites and fantastical landscapes.

The movie has also taken heat for being just for kids. I say, "So what?" This is the kind of movie I wish I had when I was a kid and it's just as enjoyable now at 21 years of age. I could go on about this movie or I could just say go and see it. This is another one of Monk's recommendations. In fact it's my favorite film I've seen this year. And yes I did see Iron Man.

frankie_fan 05-10-2008 09:33 PM

That's great to hear, AerostarMonk. I do, however, want to avoid all reviews for Speed Racer, at least until I see it on June 12th (Australian release date).

Medikor 05-11-2008 06:23 PM

"Akira". I watched most of it while it aired the night after my initial attempt to watch it. I loved the hand drawn animation (the computer assisted stuff these days just strikes me as "too clean and sharp looking"). But I have to say that it left me pretty unsatisfied. It felt rather shallow because any point of the story the movie had, if any, went right over my head.
This falls into how I feel about many original anime films. They come off as very abstract to me because they are often very surreal but lack a moral or point that I can grasp. I really want to say that I like this movie, so any insight would be appreciated.

jekylljuice 05-13-2008 02:53 AM

Back to the Future

Best movie of the 1980s. I won't go into the full details as to how very much I love this movie and how much it still means to me after all these years, seeing as we don't have half a century to spare, but last night's viewing was particularly exciting in that I finally got to see it on the big screen for the first time. Only slight let-down was that the print was a little iffy in places, but even such an endless barrage of crackles, grains and the occasional missing frames couldn't possibly keep down what an amazing, engaging, funny and delightful piece of sci-fi adventure this truly is. Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd have one of the greatest onscreen rapports of all-time, the musical score is beautifully orchestrated, the humour is brilliantly-observed (god, I LOVE that moment concerning Marvin Berry and that phone call he makes to his cousin, Chuck), the special effects still hold up amazingly well to this, I'll stop, since I'm beginning to ramble. So I'll say one more thing - hurray for 1985! A very significant year for me that, and not just because it was the year in which this phenomenal movie was first released.

Oh yes, and a bit earlier on yesterday, I also caught the ending to The Third Man, which is a classic. I've seen it twice before, and it's a great movie all-round, though those final few moments were all I really needed to see for the time being - the closing shot is pure cinema, simple but fabulously effective.

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