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taranchula 04-25-2008 09:25 PM

The 1989 Fred Savage Hour and half Nintendo Commercial motion picture...The Wizard.

Which for my money has one of the greatest lines in the history or recorded film...

"I love the Power Glove...It's so bad." classic.

BTW anyone catching this film, be on the look out for a very young Toby Mcguire he appears in two scenes in the movie complete with a 1980's mullet.

Mr. Marshmallow 04-25-2008 10:32 PM

Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo bay

No Country for old men

I finally got around to seeing "No country" and I had been looking forward to seeing the new Kumar movie too. Country is probably one of the few award jacked up movies I have to say is worth the awards and hype it got. It was well acted, well scripted, and told a very simple yet compelling and dark story.

I was kind of disappointed with Tommy Lee Jones character and the movie's use of him because he essentially......did nothing. Everything else was fine. Harold/Kumar was pretty funny, the humor is much more sexual and they had some pretty clever stuff but, I really feel the first movie is still superior, I was kind of expecting this to be a lot funnier and its good, I just expected better.

jekylljuice 04-26-2008 02:56 PM

Flash Gordon

Boy, those Lizard Men certainly have a hard time of it, don't they?

Anyhow, I love this movie. Fine, so it's not Shakespeare, but it's still brilliant in its own immensely disarming, high-spirited, good old-fashioned (lover boy) entertainment way. The Queen soundtrack compliments it perfectly, and Brian Blessed is awesome as Prince Vultan, but for me it's Topol who really steals the show as Dr. Hans Zarkov...and I always find it so unbearably poignant when he gets to see his entire life flash before his eyes during the whole memory-erasing process. Definitely one of the most thoroughly enjoyable superhero flicks of all time...proving that you don't need a massive budget and lots of CGI to deliver the goods as far as that's concerned.

Lynnie 04-26-2008 08:38 PM

As of this very moment, it is The Santa Clause III- The Scape Clause

Certainly not as good as the first, but I don't think it's any worse as the second. Not too bad over all I guess. I liked the part where they do a little spoof to It's a Wonderful Life. And movies ending with the birth of a baby always make me happy. :frankiesmile:

As to why I'm watching a Christmas movie at the end of April, I really don't know. Ask my sister, she's the one who put it on. :P

frankie_fan 04-26-2008 09:42 PM


I finally had the chance to see this movie via rental, and I really liked it. It's not scary (as the Australian film rating suggests) and both Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder delivered great performances! I especially liked Michael at the end when
Spoiler Below
the witch doctor shrunk his head, as his voice gets higher and higher! 8D 'Hey, this might be a good look for me.'

taranchula 04-27-2008 06:05 AM

Double Dragon (1994)

Ladies and gentlemen this was without a doubt the absolute worst movie I have ever seen.

For those of you who may or may not know Double Dragon was originally a 1980's arcade game in which you play as one of two martial artists twin brothers out to rescue your girlfriend from a street gang, you know standard video game plot.

The only things the movie has in common with it's source material is that it's protagonists are a pair of martial artist twin brothers and some of the in game baddies show up as characters...that's where the similarities end and the problems begin.

Now the plot has shifted from rescuing the captive damsel to finding both halves of a mystical amulet, in which the villain wants to use not to take over the world but to take over some crappy dystopian burned out version of Los Angeles that has been ruined due to the "big quake" (Oh did I mention, this is all taking place in the oh so futuristic year of 2007) what this leads to is an hour of a half of bad over the top acting (It makes Power Rangers look like the Royal Shakespeare company's production of Hamlet), a paint by numbers plot, lousy special effects even for 1994. (If this was a direct to video affair, I could give that a pass, but this was a theatrical release.) Lame characters (The villain gets his butt handed to him like a thousand times during the movie, even AFTER he gets his hands on the magical golden Macguffin. Oh and wait til you see Alyssa Milano of Charmed and Whose The Boss fame, as the leader of a rag tag team of vigilantes and sporting one of the worst haircuts in moviedom.) All this adds up to, is nothing but pain, and unless you have strong constitutions avoid this movie at all costs.

koosie 04-28-2008 12:42 PM

Rambo 4

Good old-fasioned movie fun from the increasingly odd-looking Stallone. This one's much more played for laughs than the others I remember ( First Blood ended with him in tears) especially toward the end where the very obviously speeded-up action sequences are reminscent of early screen comedy. I especially loved the nutcase SAS guy who was definitely a tribute to the Black Knight from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.

Partymember 04-28-2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by koosie (Post 77320)
Rambo 4

Good old-fasioned movie fun from the increasingly odd-looking Stallone. This one's much more played for laughs than the others I remember ( First Blood ended with him in tears) especially toward the end where the very obviously speeded-up action sequences are reminscent of early screen comedy. I especially loved the nutcase SAS guy who was definitely a tribute to the Black Knight from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.

great movie :)

yea those mercenaries were hillarious 8D

jekylljuice 04-30-2008 03:22 AM


An interesting and well-acted drama about the family traumas that ensue when a 13-year-old girl's imagination runs away with her. The story was relatively simple, but cleverly structured. I think my dad has a copy of the original novel somewhere, maybe I can pinch it off him sometime, because I'm curious to read it.

Partymember 04-30-2008 04:20 PM

The Shootist

John Wayne's last film. He plays a gunslinger trying to die in peace of terminal cancer.

It was his last movie, he would die of cancer a few years later :(

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