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Mr. Marshmallow 04-13-2008 10:22 PM

Short Circuit

A classic movie I grew up as a kid, one I still love to this day. It was funny, Johnny 5 is a classic movie character, and MAN I love the soundtrack! There's some really great techno robot theme songs in here and its just a great movie i always enjoy re-watching. Tragically, some of you may have heard this but this movie's getting a remake.

I don't know if its going to be a family movie or different in genre but I did hear some of the original creators/writers are coming back so I don't really know how this is going to turn out. This movie definitely doesn't need a remake (most don't) but I would be curious to see what they do with it.

Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-14-2008 06:46 AM


One of my favorite movies. Some great lines, too.

"Joey, have you ever been to a Turkish prison?"

taranchula 04-14-2008 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 76298)
Short Circuit

A classic movie I grew up as a kid, one I still love to this day. It was funny, Johnny 5 is a classic movie character, and MAN I love the soundtrack!

You got that right.

"Who's Johnny?" she said
And smiled in her special way
"Johnny" she said
"You know I love you"
"Who's Johnny?" she said
And tried to look the other way
Her eyes gave her away

(Now I'll have that song stuck in my head all day long. Thank you ElDeBarge :bloogrin:)

Mr. Marshmallow 04-14-2008 10:02 PM

The Ruins

Critters 4

My god, I have NEVER been so disgusted at gore before, at least not for a long ass time. "Ruins" was a pretty well done horror movie. It fell onto some very familiar cliches however the gore was extremely intense and the mysterious "threat" in the movie is certainly an original one.

My friend had seen all the Critters movie but 4 and 4 has to be my favorite even though the Critters weren't in the movie as heavily as the first 3 films. I always loved the Critter monsters, such vicious little creeps with a unique design to them. And to think a VERY young Leonardo Decaprio was in Critters 3!

Invader Bloo 04-17-2008 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 75800)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

I had never seen any of the Indiana movies before, and with the Kingdom of the Crystal skull rapidly approaching, I wanted to be able to see them to get more "well equipped" for the new film. Luckily my friend had all 3 movies and showed them all to me and I have to say, its a fan-freakingtastic movie series.

The first movie is easily my favorite, with this 3rd one being a close second. I had no idea this movie was THAT funny and well made, the dialog was great and the interaction with Connery as Daddy Jones was priceless stuff. I'm happy to hear sexy Miriam Ravenwood (Karen Allen) is making a come back for number 4.

I thought she was the best girl of all Jones movies in terms of acting, personality, character, and appearance. Very happy I got to see this film series, very happy.

It's Marion. ;)
I just watched TOD. Short Round kicks butt! The 3rd is my personal favorite, hopefully Skull will replace it.

taranchula 04-18-2008 08:36 PM

JUNO: Quite possibly without a shadow of a doubt the best teen pregnancy flick I have ever seen...of course it was one of the only teen pregnancy flicks I have ever seen, so Juno wins by default. :P

But seriously this was great, the actors were charming Michael Cera always brings his A-game and Ellen Page as the titular character was great and very believable and we also get the goods from the likes of Jason Bateman, Jennifer Garner, Allison Janney and J.K Simmons amongst others. Combine that with some nice back and forth dialogue, believable situations and a great soundtrack and you have a good little movie one can waste away the afternoon with.

Mr. Marshmallow 04-18-2008 09:16 PM

88 Minutes

It gets harder and harder to impress people with drama serial killer movies, what without making it shocking or surprising or compelling. Luckily this movie was most of these. I love Pacino, love him to death and while I felt he wasn't completely on his A game in this movie, this was a really really neat little story.

Good compelling twists, definitely kept me guessing and always kept the story moving, never let anything slip or any detail to go unmentioned. A great mystery movie all around, not the greatest on Earth but certainly one worth my time.

frankie_fan 04-19-2008 08:27 PM

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - on TV

It's always great to see Hermoine punch Draco! 8D

Hermoine - That felt good.
Ron - Not good, brilliant!

Lynnie 04-19-2008 08:37 PM

As I type, I'm watching Star Wars IV: The New Hope. First time I heard of them giving the first orriginal movie a name. Ah, Star Wars never gets old! I'll always love it. ;D

Mr. Marshmallow 04-20-2008 06:32 PM

Forgetting Sarah Marshal

While this was my least favorite of Judd Apatow's seemingly unstoppable perfect movie making record, that does not mean this was a bad movie at all. I was absolutely blown away at how funny this movie and truly tip my hat to Mr. Apatow, the man can do NO wrong.

The cast, the dialog, the situations, it just keeps getting funnier, smarter, better and more accurate then the last.

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