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L.G. 07-01-2008 06:59 PM

:scribble: People talking on their cell phones while driving.

antgirl1 07-01-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 81947)
:scribble: People talking on their cell phones while driving.'s not very safe. But does anyone listen? Nooooooooo. Makes me glad I don't have one of those mini-easily-lost-easily-taken-away-at-school-bad-sound-quality-hard-to-texting-latest-gadget-addiction-since-the-mp3-player-battery-sucker-vibrator-could-scare-the-[word]-outta-you...THINGS.

And THEN while my friends are complaining that their PRECIOUS, HUSBAND-LIKE cell phone was taken away by some teacher (but they'd call them stupid/retarded/idiot/other word afterward) just because they pulled it out, my mind wants me to say "The POINT is to NOT bring it in the FIRST PLACE." But whenever I say that, they look at me like I'm an idiot. THEY'RE the idiots for showing the cell phones off in the first place...Lucky [bad word]s, being able to get one of them a LOT soon that I'm even allowed to...::)

One day I'll ask them if they're addicted to their cell phone. How you can tell? You are addicted when:

You cannot go one day without using it. =P

I guess you could say cell phones tick me off...=P

Lynnie 07-01-2008 10:43 PM

Funny this should be brought up just today, because as of today (July 1), it is now illegal to drive with a handheld phone in both my state of Washington and also in California. So, some are listening. I can understand how it would be a misplacement for some, but for me, as I try not to talk on the phone while driving anyway, I think it's a very welcome new law. ;)

Cassini90125 07-02-2008 01:08 AM

Had a teacher ever tried to confiscate my cell phone, I'd have point-blank told him/her hell no. I have a right to recieve incoming calls from my family in case of an emergency, and when Johnny Dropout shows up with a street sweeper I'll be damned if I can't call for help. Text messaging? No. Suzy Airhead who's out sick is bored and calls me? No. Dad had a heart attack, we need you at home? I want to know and I wouldn't trust the school office to get that info to me before the weekend. Keep your phones and use them responsibly is what I say. :terrence:

BluebottleFlyer 07-02-2008 04:21 AM

Anyone who comes from my neck of the woods will know what the Jobcentre is (I prefer to call it the Jokeshop). It's for people, like myself, who are unemployed. Oh sure, you get paid Jobseeker's Allowance every fortnight, but that doesn't make it a good thing. You're paid to search for jobs (which is fair enough), but after so long, you get stuck onto what they call "New Deal", which they claim is to assist you in looking for work. What it actually is is that they just stick you on a course for 3 months plus, which is usually being stuck in a training centre being expected to do nothing but look for jobs all day, and being expected to treat it like a job. Problem is, where I come from, there are hardly ever any jobs, and these courses are just so soul-destroying. You can also get a work placement out of it, but they hardly ever lead to a permanent job. And while you're on these courses, you're classed as "employed", which makes the Jokeshop's stats look good, to make it look like the system actually works, when it doesn't.
What really galls me is that the staff in these Jokeshops (and the training centres) think they have the right to treat jobseekers like s*** (for want of a better word). They always look down on you and pile pressure on you, because they want to meet their targets and get their bonuses and buy their fancy cars and clothes or whatever the hell.
I know that those of you from the US don't have a benefits system like that, but that doesn't mean this one makes anyone happy either. I'm pretty fed up with it, to be honest.:madwilt:

Medikor 07-02-2008 07:09 AM

Normally this wouldn't bother me but after our rough time from her last visit, I'm not really looking forward to my sister coming to visit in a couple weeks for two weeks. The house is going to be pretty crowded and noisy with her, her husband, a baby and their dog...

Howard 07-02-2008 04:07 PM

Two weeks of 110 + degree days in a row!:frankiemad:

L.G. 07-02-2008 06:44 PM

When some mouth breather will NOT give up the left lane on the interstate.:nono:

Also, when the gas pump ignores your debit card for unknown reasons.

Partymember 07-02-2008 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by L.G. (Post 82014)
When some mouth breather will NOT give up the left lane on the interstate.:nono:

may i suggest maneuvering around them? They do have multiple lanes for a reason, you know.

Ridureyu 07-02-2008 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by kageri (Post 81876)
You're saying the discussion was about politics, right? Not ice cream? The ice cream was just a simile? Please let it be a simile. Maybe I shouldn't be reading at 2 AM.

No, that discussion in question was about small plastic figures, and whether Wizards of the Coast has been slacking off in regards to paint quality.

I kid you not, people were calling each other Hitler over THAT.

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