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taranchula 06-13-2008 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 80892)
The Happening has started to affect innocent citrus fruits, too?

What a TWIST! 8D

Lynnie 06-13-2008 05:32 PM


Oranges are killing themselves so they won't get eaten. My poor oranges. :sadbendy: 8D

CrazyPhil 06-16-2008 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by BluebottleFlyer (Post 80747)
And I guess you already know that there's a similar problem with the early, standard model of the XBox 360 (the "red ring of death"). Do you have one?

Ah, yes, the infamous "Red Ring of Death". Now that's a topic I could rant about all day long.

And let me tell you that it's something that's gotten under my skin alot more than once! In fact, as of now I'm on my 5th Xbox 360! I've been playing 360 since launch day and I've had to replace it 5 times now by my count. And before you get too shocked, it's not just me. Turns out that there's quite a few gamers who've had to have their 360s replaced that much and even more! I've read posts about people replacing it 10 times or more!:wiltshock:

Now, I will admit that not all of the replacements I've had to make have been due to the RRoD. The first one was because the drive laser burned out and the second one was because the power block melted. (I don't know why, since I keep my 360 pretty well-ventilated). But the last 2 have been due to the RRoD and it's alot more than just a minor nuisance.

I've had my current unit for over a year now and so far haven't had any problems with it, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting a little paranoid that I could see that red ring again any day now.

However, I still have to give Microsoft a pat on the back because they've handled the situation as well as they could by extending warranties for all Xbox 360s for 3 years. In other words, if you have a 360 with the RRoD, they will replace or repair your console free of charge for up to 3 years from the date of purchase. Since most cases of RRoD occur much sooner than that, you're practically guaranteed to get your 360 replaced for free. Of course the major downside is that it could take up to a whole month for them to get it fixed or replaced and send it back to you.:(

Fortunately for me, I've never had to send a 360 in to Microsoft since I was smart enough to purchase the extended warranty when I got it at Gamestop, so all I need to do is bring it back with the receipt and they immediately give me a new one free of charge.:) I've also never had to give up my hard drive since it's detachable so I've never lost any game data.

And I've also got to complement Microsoft for making such an excellent game system with so many fantastic games that I care enough about it to constantly go through all this trouble to keep playing them. So bravo, Microsoft and Xbox 360.:D

Whew, for a rant I think I outdid myself there.8D

Cassini90125 06-18-2008 07:50 AM

Songfics. I am dreading the day when someone decides to take a song that has a lot of meaning to me, something with a lot of deep, personal feelings and beautiful memories attached to it, and corrupt it into nothing more than a propaganda tool for something sickening. When it happens I'll give them credit for destroying something even my ex-fiance couldn't ruin.

Poorly-written, sex-based fanfics, written by people who clearly have no clue what they're talking about and which serve no purpose except as an outlet for their own fantasies.

The price of gas. It's not affecting me personally but it's hurting a lot of people I know. The price of food is starting to hurt, too, and both are going to get worse. I hate what it's doing to everyone.

Every version of SecuROM that gets inflicted on the public is cracked by software pirates in less than a day. The result is that people who deal with pirated software can safely play their games while the rest of us are stuck with discs infected with a vicious piece of useless malware. How this is supposed to stop piracy is beyond me. I don't support piracy but given the choice between that and SecuROM, I'll hoist the Jolly Roger over my computer anyday. :pirate:

And finally, the event that precipitated this morning's tirade; the neighbors did it again. Booze + stove = fire. Nothing serious but I'm tired of having to exit the building at 7:00 AM for no good reason. Bunch of useless idiots. Today is not off to a great start. :frankiemad:

Okay, I'm done... for now. :frankiemad:

WiltsAKGirl17 06-18-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 81232)

The price of gas. It's not affecting me personally but it's hurting a lot of people I know. The price of food is starting to hurt, too, and both are going to get worse. I hate what it's doing to everyone.

Every version of SecuROM that gets inflicted on the public is cracked by software pirates in less than a day. The result is that people who deal with pirated software can safely play their games while the rest of us are stuck with discs infected with a vicious piece of useless malware. How this is supposed to stop piracy is beyond me. I don't support piracy but given the choice between that and SecuROM, I'll hoist the Jolly Roger over my computer anyday. :pirate:

And finally, the event that precipitated this morning's tirade; the neighbors did it again. Booze + stove = fire. Nothing serious but I'm tired of having to exit the building at 7:00 AM for no good reason. Bunch of useless idiots. Today is not off to a great start. :frankiemad:

Okay, I'm done... for now. :frankiemad:

Gas prices are bad up here in Alaska, too-- now that the fuel barge has gotten here, the prices are up into $6 a gallon. And food's always been expensive, moreso now. Milk: $8 a gallon, for example...

[Reply to the bolded text] Argh! :pirate: Now I need to get a Jolly Roger flag to tape to my laptop...

And your neighbors pulled a stunt someone in MY town would have pulled! Seriously-- to see something like that in the paper wouldn't surprise me at all. ::)

One Radical Dude 06-18-2008 02:27 PM

Yeah, the price of fuel has got me teed off, too. I don't want to discuss too much on what I think should be done, because it could lead to political arguments. All I can tell you is that I've written a letter to a few editors on what I believe and what we should do. We heard how it's effected independent truckers, farmers, food, and airlines (which sadly, some small airports will lose commercial service later this year).

scary_dream 06-18-2008 09:59 PM

What ticks me off?

These trashy teenagers:

Shown here robbing my dad's restaurant :terrence:

I am so so so so mad. They broke a LOT of stuff, including two $300 security cameras (luckily we caught them on the one they didn't notice), a window, and a few other things. Not to mention they took lots of money, electronics, tools (yeah, that's a huge tool box she's stealing in that picture), and lots of food (no need to go grocery shopping after that trip, that's for sure). They ransacked the place, made a huge mess out of everything in the office where all the money and electronic stuff is stored, and ripped another camera out of the ceiling (but didn't destroy it).

The worst part? The main cop that is working on it couldn't give a you-know-what. We've been broken into before, and the footage always ends up in the paper and on the news. That's how the last thieves were caught, someone saw it on the news and gave the police a tip. This cop couldn't care less, and nobody except we at the restaurant and the guys at the station have seen it. That's what my town gets for hiring rent-a-cops :terrence:


One Radical Dude 06-18-2008 10:33 PM

That cop you mentioned should be fired. He's definitely not worthy of wearing a badge. That sucks, scary, that your dad's restaurant was robbed. I seriously hope that the idiot teenagers get caught soon. :edmad:

Cassini90125 06-19-2008 05:35 PM

About an hour ago I ran into the lunatic who set off the fire alarm the other day, in the CVS parking lot. He wanted to borrow ten dollars for cigarettes and food. I pointed out to him that perhaps he should have bought those items instead of the two six packs of Budweiser he had with him. I didn't bother listening to his explanation, but I'm sure it was a good one. ::)

Honestly, I don't care if he and his buddies want to drink and get drunk; it's their lives, not mine, and if that's what they enjoy, fine, more power to them. But when it starts to affect my life, well, that's where I draw the line. :frankiemad:

Cassini90125 06-24-2008 06:02 AM

Here's a good one. On Sunday morning I sent the following email to EA tech support:


The base game and each expansion that I have installed includes a folder named "European Help Files". Given that I am American and not living in Europe, I don't see where these folders and their files are of any use to me and I am wondering whether or not they may be safely deleted. Each such folder takes up about 12 megabytes of hard disc space; I'd like to free up that space for other uses, if possible. So, can these files and folders be deleted without causing any problems?
And this morning I got the following response:



Thank you for contacting us here at Electronic Arts Technical Support. I’m sorry for the difficulty that you are having with The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff. With regards to your concern, please note that we do recommend that you delete files associated with the game as they can often cause issues.

To free up hard drive space you may run Disk Cleanup from this window to get rid of temporary and unnecessary files.

1. Click on the Disk Cleanup button in the Drive Properties window.
2. Follow the program's prompts.

If you need to free up additional space, you can consider uninstalling programs that you no longer use, or deleting files that you no longer need.

Should you require further assistance about this or any Electronic Arts games in the future please visit our website and review our extensive Self Help knowledgebase (


Anthony C.
EA Games Technical Support
Uh... I'm not sure Anthony understood the question. :P

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