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jekylljuice 06-08-2009 02:57 AM

Yesterday I read "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad ("The horror! The horror!"). I find it somewhat amusing that it probably took me less than 50% of the time to read it as it did to watch the adaptation Apocalypse Now a couple of years ago. Then again, it was the Redux version I saw.

Howard 06-08-2009 06:26 PM

I am reading another history book on Silverton, Colorado.:frankiesmile:

Bloo4Ever 06-13-2009 04:07 AM

I recently just read the A.B.C Murder Mysteries By Agatha Christie.

In my opinion, I'd give it like, a 6.5/10

koosie 06-13-2009 03:03 PM

Nevil Shute - On the beach

Another book that became a movie. Though on the face of it the subject matter seems a little cheerless, both versions I found to be inspirational in their depiction of likeable 1950s-60s folks taking the worst possible news very well indeed.

Other than that, the usual round of Sci-fi short stories by the likes of Ballard, Baxter, Silverberg and their ilk and any kind of history I can get my hands on. We are living history after all. I am anyway :herrsleep:

Government Man 07-18-2009 04:25 PM

To go along with a trip to Disneyland next week, I read The Disneyland Encyclopedia (by Chris Strodder), which has interesting stories behind the rides, past and present, including the ones that were never built.

On the graphic novel front, I recently started reading The Goon: Nothin' But Misery (Eric Powell) in a comic book store, and I started laughing so much that I had to buy it. Just my brand of pitch-black humor. I'll probably pick up the rest of the series at Comic Con.

Finally, I bought The Complete Bone (Jeff Smith) to read down in San Diego. That book's huge! :smed:

Nyo 07-23-2009 12:03 PM

I just finished reading Harry Potter 1 (Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone) for school. Good book, what a nostalgiabomb :)

xxxClaire 07-30-2009 11:36 AM

I've got a bunch of books on the go right now, but I'm mainly reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. (Fifth book in the series) It's really good. :bloogrin:

Howard 08-01-2009 09:56 AM

The Diary of Ellen Rimbaur (My Life at Rose Red). The house itself is in Tacoma and is an inn (Thornewood Castle):frankiesmile:

Lynnie 08-02-2009 12:03 AM

The Cry of the Loon- an American Girl Mystery. I started it while waiting at the airport last Saturday. Read some while on layover too. And again while on my way back home on Monday. And read some more on Wednesday when I was trying to cool off by the river. Good book, I love virtually all the AG books, especially the ones about Samantha, which this one is. I've just been so robbed of sleep lately due to excitement over the Con and then the heat and then dread about returning to work, I tend to get sleepy after reading a few chapters, and end up dozing off. :sleep: So although the book isn't real thick, I'm not finished with it yet. Almost though, I think I have three chapters to go.

Howard 08-02-2009 03:06 PM

M'kay - done with previous book mentioned. Now I am reading a historical book (Silverton Colorado) called "Faces of the Flu." It is a historical account how one small mining town was affected by the flu of 1918.:wiltshock:

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