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One Radical Dude 05-07-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 78167)
If you check Wikipedia you will no doubt discover that both are made by Wendy's. :cheesegrin:

LOL, I could definitely see that there. :blooxd:

scary_dream 05-07-2008 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 78150)
its most fun to do it at 3 AM when they put the "special" staff on deck. Drive thru order a "Large Freedom Fries" at McDonalds.

or better yet give them your order and then say "and more". They don't know what you're talking about, sometimes they put an extra order of fries on but most of the time they ask if you want another Big Mac..."yes... and more"

its an endless circle of hillarity 8D

I seriously have to try this.

Even though I'm a waitress and this would THOROUGHLY tick me off, I think that makes me more entitled to do it 8D

I hate when people call and complain about to-go orders. Don't get me wrong, it's my JOB to fix anything that went wrong with their food, so it doesn't make me mad when they actually want me to do something about it. What makes me mad is after I ask if they'd like to come back and have us fix it or if they'd like a credit for it on a later date they just say "No, I don't want any of that, I just wanted to tell you that our order was SO screwed up and (insert HUGE exaggeration about the food quality here. Seriously, I've worked there my entire LIFE because my dad owns it and I've never, ever seen the kind of food some people describe! They must be getting it from a different place!) and blah blah blah your mom is fat blah blah blah you're a chump without brothers or sisters blah blah blah no you can't help me and it wasn't your fault our order was messed up but I'm going to take it out on you anyhow because I feel like it blah blah blah..."

Seriously. I understand these folks aren't happy, but if they tell me word for word that there's nothing I can do about it, why should I stay on the phone with them for 5 minutes and ignore my (very happy) tables just so they can verbally attack me? I've actually had to hang up on someone screaming cuss words at me because they claimed they didn't get what they ordered, but it was because they never ordered it!! They just thought they had! I was like "Um... sorry, I've got tables to wait! *click*"

Sparky 05-08-2008 01:24 PM

Yeah, if you get home with a to-go order and it was wrong, and you're not even going to go back to try and get it fixed (so they can actually SEE that it was wrong, because you could have been making it up) there's no rason to call them just to ruin their day. Well, I'm sure sometimes you ought to let them know, but if you want a refund o whatever you need to go back.

I LOVE the coconut ice cream at Coldstone, but they don't always have it. So one day I walked in and they DID have it, so I got the medium-sized to-go container full of it, which ran me about eight or nine dollars. That night I went to have some...and they had just given me the "sweet cream" flavor. :( I wasn't going to go back there (they may have been closed by then anyways) and I wanted SOME kind of ice cream so I just ate it. Waste of nine bucks though, as I did NOT want the sweet cream, I wanted the coconut. So that sucked - but I don't even know if it was the girl's fault. The container she got the ice cream from WAS in the "coconut" spot (they are both white). So it was the fault of whomever grabbed the sweet cream and put it in the coconut spot, only I don't know who that was. *shrug*

I haven't been able to have the coconut since, They never have it. :sadbendy:

Ridureyu 05-08-2008 01:26 PM

I once got a to-go order from Wendy's, and came home only to find that my hamburger had a big bite taken out of it. I went back and was polite, and they gave me a coupon. Apparently, it was somebody's lunch break, and there was a mixup.

some guy you dont know 05-08-2008 01:34 PM

fast food orders gone wrong?

that happens to me almost daily. although its usually just the fact that they had stuff on a burger that isnt supposed to have stuff on it.

uh... i get annoyed by the simple fact that most people i know dont have common sense. its pretty annoying.

taranchula 05-08-2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 78233)
I once got a to-go order from Wendy's, and came home only to find that my hamburger had a big bite taken out of it. I went back and was polite, and they gave me a coupon. Apparently, it was somebody's lunch break, and there was a mixup.

They let their employees eat lunch in the kitchen? Talk about your laid back atmospheres.

One Radical Dude 05-08-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 78233)
I once got a to-go order from Wendy's, and came home only to find that my hamburger had a big bite taken out of it. I went back and was polite, and they gave me a coupon. Apparently, it was somebody's lunch break, and there was a mixup.

Quick...somebody call Gordon Ramsay! :bendy:

You never know what happens in the kitchen. :P

Ridureyu 05-08-2008 05:47 PM

It's a miracle I still take fast food sometimes, really.

taranchula 05-08-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 78269)
It's a miracle I still take fast food sometimes, really.

Fast food, like most things in life. When it's good, it's good, when it's is it ever baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!

scary_dream 05-08-2008 07:41 PM

Yeah, I hear you guys on fast food orders... they get messed up a LOT. The place I work at is a family-owned "sit down and eat" restaurant, though, so another thing that ticks me off is when people complain about having to wait on to-go orders. We make the food as they order it so it's always going to take at least as long as the food takes to cook, but they get impatient having to wait on a burger for 7 minutes because we don't keep pre-made ones under a heat light. It's like "Hellooooo? Do you see the golden arches on this place? We're making your stupid burger fresh!"

They complain about frozen pre-made foods, but don't want to wait on the real stuff to be cooked ::) no pleasing some people!

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