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Ridureyu 04-21-2008 05:33 PM

It's very simple, really.

Fashion rules from a specific period are actually Laws of Nature, and must never be broken.

taranchula 04-21-2008 07:58 PM

The website, the reason why? Well some time ago after I booked my flight to San Diego with no trouble what ever, a few months after the initial booking I got an updated travel itinerary that changed things up a little. The flight into San Diego changed for the better, as I am now flying in via Vancouver as opposed to flying in via Toronto. (Which will get me into town at a decent time.)

However now the flight out of San Diego which originally was supposed to be on Monday July 28, is now flying out on Sunday July 27 the last day of comic con. Sure, the last day of the con isn't as good as the rest of the week, but still there is some nice stuff to be seen.

So anyways, I figure I can go on the website and fix the problem myself, right...wrong!!!

You see, to get your flight changed you of course have give them the same credit card number you used to make the initial booking, well I tried that but for some really stupid reason it won't recognize my number. Now I know you all are thinking maybe I just used another card to make the booking, well that would be a logical answer if it wasn't for the fact I only have one credit card, and therefore logically speaking that was the only credit card number I gave them.

So now I have to call up Air Canada some time this week, once the world around me ceases to spin at a rapid pace and get this stupid thing changed.

One Radical Dude 04-21-2008 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 76855)
The website, the reason why? Well some time ago after I booked my flight to San Diego with no trouble what ever, a few months after the initial booking I got an updated travel itinerary that changed things up a little. The flight into San Diego changed for the better, as I am now flying in via Vancouver as opposed to flying in via Toronto. (Which will get me into town at a decent time.)

However now the flight out of San Diego which originally was supposed to be on Monday July 28, is now flying out on Sunday July 27 the last day of comic con. Sure, the last day of the con isn't as good as the rest of the week, but still there is some nice stuff to be seen.

So anyways, I figure I can go on the website and fix the problem myself, right...wrong!!!

You see, to get your flight changed you of course have give them the same credit card number you used to make the initial booking, well I tried that but for some really stupid reason it won't recognize my number. Now I know you all are thinking maybe I just used another card to make the booking, well that would be a logical answer if it wasn't for the fact I only have one credit card, and therefore logically speaking that was the only credit card number I gave them.

So now I have to call up Air Canada some time this week, once the world around me ceases to spin at a rapid pace and get this stupid thing changed.

Ugh...great. ::) Not more chaos.

scary_dream 04-21-2008 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 76824)
For what it's worth, I happen to think your blue hair is quite attractive, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks so. :)

Aww yay... thanks! :)


Originally Posted by Ridureyu (Post 76840)
It's very simple, really.

Fashion rules from a specific period are actually Laws of Nature, and must never be broken.

LOL. I agree... it seems that way with her!

One Radical Dude 04-22-2008 12:51 AM

I think your photos are great, and I don't really have a problem with your appearance at all. :)

Medikor 04-22-2008 07:46 AM

Know-it-alls who visit and tell you what to do in your own home.

Lynnie 04-22-2008 11:46 AM

Dang, yeah, that ticks me off too. Especially when you're already grown, and maybe even the one primarily running the household. I wish some people would be a little more open minded and mind their own freakin' business.

The fact that my folks live way out in the boondocks, and a good hour from anything worth while ticks me off. All that driving to get anywhere, and all that gas used to do so. Arrrgh! :blooupset:

Ridureyu 04-22-2008 12:16 PM

People who make weird, weird assumptions about musical composer/group's religion, and then imprint it upon you. This is to say nothing about the people who act on those assumptions.

For future reference:

John Elafante is Christian.

Creed is not.

Handel was religious.

Liszt was not.

A performer's religion or politics only matter to the extent that they place it into their music. Saying, "I will not listen to _____, because he believes in _____" is a very hard way to live your life. Let's just say that you will never again watch TV, buy gasoline for your car, wear clothes, or eat food not grown out of your back yard.

It doesn't really matter if Donny and Marie Osmond are Mormon, unkess they're singing nothing but mormon hymns.

It doesn't really matter if Jimmy Page thinks he's a Satanist, because he never really put it into his music.

It's okay that I was just listening to a Christian song. I'm not going to oppress you. "Be Thou My Vision" and "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" are both probably older than most of Europe.

Yes, I was just listening to a Soviet anthem. No, I am not a communist. "Vy Shertvoju Pali" is a gorgeous piece of classical music, regardless of its national origins.

Yes, that was heavy metal. No, this does not make me a Satanist.

That was instrumental. it did not promote any religious or political beliefs.

Guitars and drums are not intrinsically "Satanist." Druids did not invent them to corrupt young minds.

Some of the most anti-religious music has been composed with violins.

Mozart was considered young and rebellious for a while.


*Please do not turn this into a debate about specific religions or politics. That's why I mentioned a huge variety of things just above.

CagedWings67 04-22-2008 01:23 PM

Since its April, people who light brush fires. Not people who light them in general, I know that we have to get rid of our winter brush, but when people light brush fires when there are other people around them. For example, after I get home from school, I usually spend some time with my little cousins (we live next door to each other), we go over to my yard to play, or do whatever we’re doing. My neighbor, who’s in his 80’s I think, comes out of his house, rakes up some brush, and starts burning it a couple yards away from my cousins, who are under six-years-old. I don’t know why he does this when we’re outside, because I’m sure that he knows that there are children about. I think that he lost his common sense. About a week ago, I didn’t know that he was burning it until my two-year-old nephew's eyes started to water, and he started coughing. I didn’t want them to inhale the smoke, so I bring them in. A couple hours later, I bring them out again, he goes outside and burns MORE brush. I can’t stand him. He also let’s his grand-children run amuck in our property, without even asking us. I can’t deal with him. I’ve also met his grand-children. They are so disrespectful, and downright jerks. My parents actually want me to befriend them. My neighbor should be dead anyway, hence he’s been smoking for like, twenty-something years now.

Medikor 04-22-2008 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lynnie (Post 76884)
The fact that my folks live way out in the boondocks, and a good hour from anything worth while ticks me off. All that driving to get anywhere, and all that gas used to do so. Arrrgh! :blooupset:

It's the opposite for me. Said know-it-all was a narcissistic condescending older sister from the city. She's always compelled to flaunt her greater city born intelligence and overlook the fact that people have a little thing called common sense.:jk: It was a rough visit to say the least...

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