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One Radical Dude 03-23-2007 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Pawbah (Post 37710)
I thought of another one: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Oh, come on! 8D Who wasn't into TMNT? I remember having TMNT PJs. :P

Pawbah 03-23-2007 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 37968)
Oh, come on! 8D Who wasn't into TMNT? I remember having TMNT PJs. :P

OK yeah, everyone loved TMNT. I didn't ever have the PJs, but I never missed the old show when it was on. It's just not something I tell people. I finally told my brother that I watched the 2003 cartoon too and nobody else knows that... well except for the people on this forum now.

scary_dream 03-23-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by One Radical Dude (Post 37968)
Oh, come on! 8D Who wasn't into TMNT? I remember having TMNT PJs. :P

AWWW little ORD in TMNT pjs! 8D

I loved TMNT when I was little, but I never had any merchandise except for the videos. I had a REALLY cool Ghostbusters sleeping bag (you know the kind... the sleeping bag that EVERY kid had with the red inside that snagged on EVERYTHING). It was of the cool Ghostbusters cartoon, too! The one with Lorenzo Music as Venkman! I was so angry to hear my mom lost the thing. I'd love to have it now just for memorabilia.

I was also into Transformers, as well. I rented the Transformers movie every single time I went to the video store and never got tired of it. My grandma would always be like "Kiki, don't you want something different this time?!" and of course I'd always say "NO!! I WANT TRANSFORMERS!!!"

Anyhow.... back on topic. Another guilty pleasure of mine is attention. Not negative attention or pity, but just attention in general. I'm always loving to sing happy birthday to customers at work, and in high school I was in every single production. I'm kind of a ham lol but not in a bad way... like, I don't fake illnesses or do anything pathetic for attention, but if a time comes in which I'm required to perform in front of an audience, I'm there! No shyness here.

One Radical Dude 03-24-2007 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 38033)
AWWW little ORD in TMNT pjs! 8D

Yep. :cheesegrin:

In around 1990, I was taped lip syncing to one of the "Coming Out of Their Shells" (some sort of concert deal with the TMNT, Pizza Hut sponsored this, I believe) songs (click here to listen to them, if you wish 8D ). I was lip syncing to the "sing" file (or "Sing About It").

Enjoy. 8D

frankie_fan 03-24-2007 08:37 PM

I have to explain this new guilty pleasure:

In Australia, the Art Gallery of NSW is currently having an exhibition on the artwork of Osamu Tezuka. One of the artworks there is on a classic shojo manga/anime called Princess Knight (aka Choppy and the Princess). It looks great, and I've heard that Right Stuf International is trying to release the English version of this onto DVD. If it ever comes out in Australia, this will be my new guilty pleasure: Princess Knight!

Hope that made sense!

Sparky 03-25-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 38033)
I loved TMNT when I was little, but I never had any merchandise except for the videos. I had a REALLY cool Ghostbusters sleeping bag (you know the kind... the sleeping bag that EVERY kid had with the red inside that snagged on EVERYTHING). It was of the cool Ghostbusters cartoon, too! The one with Lorenzo Music as Venkman! I was so angry to hear my mom lost the thing. I'd love to have it now just for memorabilia.

Lol I had a Garfield sleeping bag. Used it for all my sleepovers. It's actually still in my dad's garage, but I'm sure its super-nasty now. :P

Pawbah 03-31-2007 02:21 AM

I had a My Little Pony Sleeping bag, I was so upset when I out grew it. I think my mom gave my sleeping bag away... Getting older sucks. I'll never grow up though! Never! :bloocross:

Voxxyn 03-31-2007 03:23 AM

I've been a fan of Celebrity Deathmatch almost since it's original premiere. Yes, you read that right. As a child, my favorite cartoons were Looney Tunes, The Simpsons and CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH.

To me, that's a guilty pleasure in the truest sense. Putting aside the fact that I had no business watching and thoroughly enjoying such a show at that age, it has a lot of things that I currently despise in mainstream media entertainment; graphic violence, sleaziness, crude humor, stereotypes et al(not to mention that I hate MTV). But I watched it anyway, watching every new episode up until it's original end in 2002. I did lose interest on the show afterwards, and have only sporadically caught the new episodes airing on MTV2. But from what I've seen, despite the change in voice actors and my current lack of tolerance for shows of such type, I STILL GET A HUGE KICK OUT OF IT.

Admittedly, the novelty of real-life celebrities doesn't appeal to me now and the violence is gross instead of entertaining. I watch it mainly for the witty dialogue and the hilarious Nick Diamond. :scaryberry:

Partymember 03-31-2007 09:06 AM

who did Jerry Garcia fight, was it Hendrix or Elvis? One of them reffed i think.

good show!

Bloonan 04-06-2007 06:03 AM

Well, to tell the absolute truth...
Alas, it's true. It's really a good show! :D

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