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Mr_Bloo_Veins 04-17-2008 06:13 AM

Recently I've been getting a lot of "low disk space" messages on my computer. What pisses me off is that they seem to pop up at the worst possible times, and the only way to fix it is to:

A) Get an external hard drive

or B) Delete a whole bunch of things that you don't need.


Cassini90125 04-17-2008 06:36 AM

I did both, although not because of low disk space. Everything on my system is getting reviewed; important stuff gets copied to the G: drive, everything else goes to the recycle bin. This is all in preparation for a full reformat, assuming that I ever find the dang XP SP2 disc. :frankiemad:

Death to malware makers. :frankiemad:

Medikor 04-17-2008 08:29 AM

not so muck ticked off but annoyed, I just realised that it's been almost a year since the Canadian dollar has been on par (give or take a few cents) with the American dollar and that I've hardly been benefiting from it (outside of a few cases like books).

jekylljuice 04-17-2008 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Mr_Bloo_Veins (Post 76499)
Recently I've been getting a lot of "low disk space" messages on my computer. What pisses me off is that they seem to pop up at the worst possible times, and the only way to fix it is to:

A) Get an external hard drive

or B) Delete a whole bunch of things that you don't need.


Ooh, that happened to me quite recently. In the end, I had to take the computer down to the repair shop to have its RAM capacity increased. Well, it did the trick, and now I have a massive increase in the amount of junk that I'm allowed to pack onto my hard drive.

pitbulllady 04-17-2008 04:25 PM

Fanfiction(or ANY fiction, for that matter)written by people who clearly do not have a clue and haven't bothered to actually find out anything about the subject/setting of their story before writing really ticks me off. I guess it's because I'm a teacher, and had a REALLY tough no-nonsense AP Literature/Creative Writing teacher in high school. I still believe that if you're gonna write a story, just because it's "fiction" is no excuse not to learn something first. I'm not talking about "troll-fics", mind you, which are intended to be bad, but genuine attempts at writing that just falls flat because it's obvious that the author didn't bother to do some basic research first.

Case-in-point: in the Monsters, Inc. section of, there's a fic in which the author repeatedly states that Randall was banished to southern Florida, near Miami. Obviously she's never BEEN to southern Florida, or she'd know that the terrain looks nothing like the place where that trailer was located in the movie! She also states that alligators do not have eyelids(HELLO! Those are SNAKES that do not have eyelids!), and has a scene in which Randall gets into a fight with an alligator and wins by sticking his head in its mouth and biting its tongue! Can you say, "decapitated"? Alligators might have eyelids(three of 'em, in fact), but they barely have a tongue; it's very small and fused to their lower jaw, so it would be impossible for something else to bite/grab ahold of it without losing its head-literally! In another scene, a guy crashes his car on a back road(not many of those left in southern Florida that aren't heavily-traveled), the car explodes and catches on fire, the GUY catches on fire, then for some unknown reason Randall pulls him out-and the guy is OK. No burns, no injuries. He's not concerned about his car. He does not call the cops, just invites this talking monster home with him as though that sort of thing happens every day, and Randall(who also does not sustain any injuries in either that daring rescue or the alligator attack) agrees, without any fear whatsoever that this human might try to harm him. I mean, I KNOW it's fiction, but even fiction has to have SOME basis in reality and common sense! I can honestly deal with "Mary Sues" better than stuff that's just so far from any sort of reality that I can't follow it, and I think it's safe to say that NO ONE likes Mary Sues!


Partymember 04-17-2008 07:19 PM

rough day PBL?

i like the alligator thing though 8D obviously if i had to fight a 9 foot armored monster that's been around since dinosaur times i would go for the tongue as well :P

scary_dream 04-18-2008 12:52 AM

Ooooh, I can see why that would tick you off PBL.

I read something in the newspaper the other day that made me think "PBL would be ALL OVER THESE PEOPLE!!!"

It was a story about a young boy who got attacked by a pit bull that jumped a fence. Instead of trying to pass a bill that bans vicious dogs of any breed, they tried to pass a bill that banned JUST pit bulls!! As if it's the fact that it's a pit bull that made it attack. Can't these people get it through their head that it's the temper of the animal in specific and NOT the breed of it that makes it attack?! They are stereotyping pit bulls into being cold-hearted, child-mauling killing machines with no intent in life but to maim humans or something.

That's like saying "Ted Bundy was American, so that must mean all Americans are serial killers!" ::)

pitbulllady 04-18-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by scary_dream (Post 76538)
Ooooh, I can see why that would tick you off PBL.

I read something in the newspaper the other day that made me think "PBL would be ALL OVER THESE PEOPLE!!!"

It was a story about a young boy who got attacked by a pit bull that jumped a fence. Instead of trying to pass a bill that bans vicious dogs of any breed, they tried to pass a bill that banned JUST pit bulls!! As if it's the fact that it's a pit bull that made it attack. Can't these people get it through their head that it's the temper of the animal in specific and NOT the breed of it that makes it attack?! They are stereotyping pit bulls into being cold-hearted, child-mauling killing machines with no intent in life but to maim humans or something.

That's like saying "Ted Bundy was American, so that must mean all Americans are serial killers!" ::)

That's a gross understatement to say that Breed-Specific Legistlation, or BSL, which is basically canine racial profiling, is something that REALLY ticks me off! One of the biggest problems inherent with this is that EVERY dog which attacks someone, growls at someone, pees on someone's tire, chases somebody's cat, gets into someone's garbage, etc., is labeled a "pit bull" when it is reported. Even if the dog is never SEEN by anyone, only the aftermath of what it did, the incident will still be reported as having been caused by "pit bulls"! It's a lot like the mentality of colonial New England, when it was commonplace to blame every bad thing on "witches", so folks felt it was necessary to pass laws against "witchcraft" and to kill people that they believed to be "witches".

Here's a good case-in-point, a recent story that appeared on an Indiana local news program and in the papers there, about a woman who "saved" two girls from an alleged "pit bull attack". If you watch the video, it clearly shows two BULLMASTIFF dogs, NOT Pit Bull Terriers, and if you read it and listen to it, you find out that apparently, neither of these two girls were injured at all, since they got up and ran away and have not been found, so I would guess that what the woman perceived as an "attack" was probably two big clumsy dogs playing rough, and no one actually got injured. Neither dog exhibits any aggressive behavior in the video, not even as an animal control officer shoves one of them in the butt to push him into a van to be taken away and probably killed. Again, these are NOT any sort of "pit bull" and do not even resemble one superficially, yet both dogs are referred to as "pit bulls" and later as a "pit bull and a pit bull x Boxer mix", when they're quite clearly very nice specimens of the Bullmastiff breed(I used to show Bullmastiffs for someone else, back when I showed dogs in AKC).
Here's the link:


Partymember 04-18-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by pitbulllady (Post 76562)
That's a gross understatement to say that Breed-Specific Legistlation, or BSL, which is basically canine racial profiling, is something that REALLY ticks me off!

you wouldn't want the House and Senate to solve real problems, would you? ::) much easier to debate useless stuff. They get paid the same amount whether they actually solve problems or pass useless legislation.

WiltsAKGirl17 04-18-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Partymember (Post 76565)
you wouldn't want the House and Senate to solve real problems, would you? ::) much easier to debate useless stuff. They get paid the same amount whether they actually solve problems or pass useless legislation.

Dear Lord forbid something like THAT happen. ::) (Although I shouldn't talk-- I'll be going to DC soon enough...)

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