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Medikor 11-23-2007 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 64859)
The Secret of NIMH

I haven't seen that movie in ages. I really hope YTV airs it again soon. And Cloverfeild looks like it will make one heck of a movie. A lot of people actually thought it was anything from a movie of "Chrono Trigger" to "Voltron" when the teaser came out with Transformers a few months ago.8D

some guy you dont know 11-25-2007 05:25 PM

i just finished ferris bueller's day off. great movie :)

now im watching elf. its one of those new classics, if you ask me.

Invader Bloo 11-25-2007 05:55 PM

In order from the past couple days:
Toy Story
Always a great movie. Though I prefer Toy Story 2.

It was good, but not my favorite Pixar movie.

Live Free or Die Hard
A great movie, I'm deciding if I like this one or the third one more. Of course none are as good as the original.

This was another great movie. Pretty good, nice blend of action & humor.

Robocop II
Not as good as the first one, but still good. Not Kershner's best, but it was a fun movie.

Robocop III
I don't see all the criticism. I thought it was a nice way to end the trilogy.

A Christmas Story

jekylljuice 11-28-2007 03:26 AM

The Addams Family Values

I can remember renting this movie as a kid and not especially enjoying it - it is, admittedly, a very difficult film to take in when you're young and sensitive, not just because of its decidedly macabre sense of humour, but also the high volume of subtle gags and one-liners which would have gone completely over my head at that age. Only the other evening when Film Four were playing it did I realise just how funny and entertaining it actually is. There are some really great lines and moments (like Morticia's aghast reacation to the ending of the Cat in the Hat - "Oh no. He lives." 8D), and Joan Cusack is absolutely awesome as the serial killing antagonist (under slightly different circumstances I think she'd have actually fitted in quite well with the rest of the Addams). Not the best movie ever, but it's still an enjoyably devilish way to pass an hour and a half.

Nathander 11-28-2007 05:20 PM


Fantastic, fantastic film. One of the best action/satire films I've ever seen. It's unfortunate that the sequels didn't live up to their forerunner.

taranchula 11-28-2007 09:42 PM

Futurama: Bender's Big Score.

And all I can say without giving away anything about the plot....
It was totally well worth the four year wait.

GrimTheLost 11-29-2007 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 65646)
Futurama: Bender's Big Score.

And all I can say without giving away anything about the plot....
It was totally well worth the four year wait.

I feel the say way. I will just say that the opening was the greatest I have seen. Now I can't wait for the next three.

taranchula 11-29-2007 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by GrimTheLost (Post 65663)
I feel the say way. I will just say that the opening was the greatest I have seen. Now I can't wait for the next three.

Too true, now to watch it again with commentary, because for the first time ever on a Futurama commentary track (AFIK) they got the always awesome Phil Lamarr to join in the festivities.

Partymember 11-30-2007 12:10 PM

i saw a great movie last night, its called "One Last Thing..." and it was AWESOME!

Theres a terminally ill 16 year old kid who's dying wish is to spend a weekend with his favorite supermodel. It was freaking awesome. The ending was one of the best endings i've ever seen.

Go rent this movie now!

Mr. Marshmallow 11-30-2007 02:05 PM

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

Hard Boiled

Disney really has done a marvelous job with their recent batch of films, Narnia kicked freaking ass, I was so impressed with what an amazing job they did on the famous novel series. Hard Boiled was my first time seeing it.

I don't really think it lives up to the hype so many people told me about it, its was a fun, funky action movie with some great scenes but it didn't reach epic status like so many told it me was.

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