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WiltsAKGirl17 03-16-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by CagedWings67 (Post 73676)
I have a lot of school related things that are ticking me off right now. Thank God that I?m going to high-school next year? or not. ...

Heh. Good luck with that.

I have a string of work-based ticking off items

-- The fact that my Staurday coworker seems geniunely convinced that I don't have the first clue how to make bread. Just as a recap, I work at my local SubWay, and I've been given the task of opening up on Saturdays and Sundays. I'll bake the appropriate types of bread to cover the day (if not morning and most of the afternoon); sure enough, she'll come behind me and start making more. Why don't you tell me to not bother?

-- When people let their kids run all over the restaurant making the devil's own noise.

-- The fact that this ENTIRE WEEKEND, work has been an inferno. I came in this morning and the place was so hot I had to open three windows and turn on all the ceiling fans. (Window #4 won't open for some odd reason.) And that's without the oven being turned on yet.

-- People who think that they rule over me when they come in. As I told my boss once, "We may be in the customer service industry, but we're not servants." Now I know how poor Frankie feels sometimes. :frankiemad:

Mr_Bloo_Veins 03-16-2008 01:12 PM

Editing a video together and finishing it, only for Adobe Premiere to mess up on you at the last second.


Nyo 03-16-2008 03:35 PM

Rabid manga fans. :frankiemad:

Two letters to said folk:

Dear Rabid Manga Fans @ Borders-

Yes, you folks hogging up the aisle. That includes you, Girl with Naruto headband, Guy with a Death Note T-shirt and Other Guy with two Bleach wristbands. Oh, I forgot the Girl with a One Piece logo tattoo on her right arm.

Please do not shoot me dirty looks when all I'm doing is trying to get to another section in the back of the store (all four of these kids where laying down in the aisle). You four are laying on your stomachs in the FREAKING AISLE. There are other people needing to get to that section, too.

Also, why not just buy the freakin' manga?! If you guys want to support your OMG FAVE MANGA ARTIST so badly, buy the thing instead of just reading the thing and putting it away?! You and the other rabids read said copy so much it looks like dirty monkeys got ahold of them and therefore makes the mangas unbuyable!

One last letter for the road-

Dear Bratty Kingdom Hearts Manga Fangirl @ Barnes and Noble-

Don't you dare yell at the employees just because the KHMs are plastic wrapped-- heck, all the mangas here are (and thank heavens for that). They do this so the magnas are sellable and not all gross like the ones at Borders. And to keep away rude freaks like YOU.

Cassini90125 03-16-2008 04:35 PM

They're lying in the isles!?!? I'm sorry, but that's completely inexcusable. Other people have just as much right to examine the books as they do and they certainly have the right to move freely without being given any grief about it. Throw the lot of them out of the store and don't allow them to return. :frankiemad:

Sheesh, what is wrong with people these days?? :frankiemad:

Partymember 03-16-2008 04:36 PM

yeah i stopped participating in gym, too. we were playing basketball and i was kind of standing in the middle of the court. coach asked me what i was playing, offense or defense, i replied "both". He said he'd like to see some more effort, i relpied, "im sure you would"

remind me again why im getting a grade for this at 18?

Mr_Bloo_Veins 03-17-2008 06:39 AM

While we're on the topic of gym class, Back when I was in 5th and 6th grade I couldn't stand gym. School was hell for me back then, it still is, to an extent.

So yeah, the teachers ended up removing gym from my school curriculum. For the next 2 years I took a "special" gym class. To be honest, It really wasn't as bad as it sounded. Ironically, the teacher and I had the same last name (my friends and I would always joke about this :P) and we were allowed to listen to the radio during class and stuff.

Good times. My friends would always ask me questions about it but I never really told them why. And I really didn't know why I was in that class either, but either way, it was better than the other gym class. I still didn't like being seperated from everyone else though.

They really didn't know what to do with me....

Medikor 03-17-2008 08:33 AM

Jeez, Nyo, it sounds like your book stores need to start enforcing some kind of loitering rules or the like. My local bookstore has a shelf completely dedicated to manga and is quite popular but I've never seen any rabid fans like that. I guess I'm just lucky.
My local store doesn't even wrap the manga unless they come that way. I guess the manga patrons in my area are like me: go in, pick up what you're after, pay for it, leave and go about your other business.

WiltsAKGirl17 03-17-2008 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cassini90125 (Post 73695)
Sheesh, what is wrong with people these days?? :frankiemad:

I've asked that question many, many, many times, Cassini. If you come up with an answer please let me know, 'cause I got nothin'.

My contribution: A kid in my seventh period who always does stupid stuff to annoy people and then he's like, "I'm sorry." One little detail: he NEVER. MEANS. IT. It irritates the hell out of me for two reasons:

1.) On the non-Foster's note: The kid in question is smarmy and annoying. I frequently daydream about him irritating me and me finally giving him a few choice words. :frankiemad:

2.) On the Foster's note: Whenever I hear "I'm sorry," I'll ocassionally think of Wilt. And when said smarmy and annoying kid says I'm sorry, I'll think of Wilt; said thought is followed by: "Hearing you say it is like a slap in the face to me, and to Wilt." I guess my weird logic If I was logical, I'd be a Vulcan... is that I've started connecting Wilt with "sorry," so hearing a not authentic sorry has started irritating me.

Partymember 03-17-2008 05:03 PM

god i HATE fake apologizing...

had to do that to a few teachers and a handicapped kid a few months ago. Don't ask why... cant believe they havent kicked me out of honors society yet ::)

Cassini90125 03-18-2008 02:03 PM

A mixed bag on the home front today. The good news is that the front door to my building was patched again. Not replaced like it should be, just patched. I can't help but wonder how long it'll last this time. The bad news is that in a decision that defies all common sense, the manager at my local Walgreens has lifted the ban imposed on that horrible woman who lives down the hall from me. Nice of her to wait for the co-manager who issued the ban to depart. Why she would do this is beyond me; the workers are not happy about this. My neighbor is the biggest pest in the area; she spends virtually no money at the store, treats it like a social club, thinks she shouldn't have to wait in line like everyone else, has tried (and failed) to get a date with every guy who works there, etc, etc, etc. She even calls the workers while they're working to complain about her personal issues, or just to chat when she's bored. Is this how we boost company morale these days? Does the word "banned" not mean anything anymore? This is just ridiculous, totally ridiculous. It's like there are no longer any consequences for acting like a jackass. :frankiemad:

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