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Mr_Bloo_Veins 03-13-2008 05:48 PM

Trying to watch a movie and having to listen to some guy who's already seen the movie 5000 times quote every line in the whole film.

*cough*MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL*sputterhackcough*

and on a Foster's related note- Cartoon Network's marketing campaigns and those annoying pop-up messages that cover up half the screen. YES I KNOW I'M WATCHING CHOWDER, I'M NOT STUPID, YOU DON'T NEED TO POINT IT OUT

Sparky 03-13-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Bloo_Veins (Post 73514)
Trying to watch a movie and having to listen to some guy who's already seen the movie 5000 times quote every line in the whole film.

I think people should be put to death for that. :terrence: I've had several movies ruined permanently for me because of this. Of course in this case we're also talking about people who would walk around quoting whole movies verbatim, just for fun, and not when the movie is actually playing...

And those were my friends in high school. :P Thankfully the Monty Python movies escaped being ruined, but I can't say the same for the Princess Bride and Labyrinth. :sadbendy:

Partymember 03-13-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky (Post 73516)
I can't say the same for the Princess Bride and Labyrinth. :sadbendy:

oh :( i love both of those. I'm sorry they were ruined for you.

But hey, you've got something to look forward to if amnesia/alzheimers strikes!

Imaginary Light 03-13-2008 06:56 PM

Ugh! I'm extremely ticked off at my job's corporate right now. Apparently they found out that PetSmart and PetCo are open on Easter Sunday. They sent out an e-mail to all of *insert name of pet store here* telling us to take down our "We will be closed Easter Sunday" signs until further notice. They'll let us know Monday if we'll be open or not.


Who cares if two other pet stores are open on Easter Sunday? Seriously. The pet store I work at is closed 3 days a year. Three. That's it. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Give your employees a break.

Oh, and Easter Sunday would just happen to be my Sunday to work (me and the other book keeper switch every other Sunday). Spectactular.

Lynnie 03-13-2008 07:19 PM

Man oh man. I am soo sorry, IL. :( Even though we both know there's nothing whatsoever I can do about it. I'm still sorry. There are only two days where we're closed- Christmas and Thanksgiving. And only four on top of that where we have special hours and are paid a differential- New Years, Memorial Day, July 4, and Labor Day. We don't even get paid more for working on Easter. Or Mother's Day. Or Presidents Day, Columbus Day, MLK Jr. Day, or any others where it seems everyone else is closed but us. It really sucks.

If it helps you feel any better, my experience is slow business on Easter, so it's a relaxing day. And it usually ends with a feeling of accomplishment too. We could get so many more things done because we had more time to do them without so many customers to tend to. So hopefully you'll get the day off, but if not, hopefully it will be a good day. It would also be cool if you had a short shift. And of course paid more. Dang, you'd better be paid more if you're usually closed on that day. Grrrrrr... :scaryberry:

Imaginary Light 03-13-2008 07:29 PM

We never get paid more for working any type of holiday. My store sucks :P

And if I do work it'll be all day, because that's just the way my manager does things when he schedules for Sundays. Blaaaah. Whatever. Hopefully corporate will...grow some hearts or something.

Cassini90125 03-15-2008 06:24 PM

The front door to my building has been damaged again. This was one of the things Management was supposed to fix, and to their credit they did, sort of, but it was more of a patch job than anything else. Last Sunday someone broke his key in the lock and it wasn't taken care of until early Tuesday. The mechanism should have been replaced but after the broken key was removed they simply put the old lock back in the door. It didn't work as well as before but at least it was serviceable. Now it doesn't much matter; yesterday one of the idiots who lives here did some serious damage to the door itself, prying back the metal plate at the bottom so that it won't shut at all. I went out for a snack about an hour ago and discovered that now it's even worse; when it tries to swing shut, the door stops about 8-9 inches from the frame, leaving a gap large enough for a cat to waltz through easily. The entire structure - door, frame, and lock - should have been replaced ages ago; as it stands right now it's easy to damage and leave the building accessible to anyone whether they live here or not. Patch jobs won't cut it anymore. One woman who lives here thinks drug dealers are responsible. She may be right but honestly, I think it's because some of the people who live here are stupid and irresponsible morons who don't have either the wit or the sobriety to carry their keys with them, and manage to lose them when they do. :P :frankiemad:

Lynnie 03-15-2008 09:04 PM

I hear ya, Cass. Some of my neighbors can be a bit unpleasant to say the least. The poor girl who I happened to back into with my car last week had the cops called on her once because she was too loud going up and down the stairs in the morning when she came home from work. She never bothered me, but apparently the lady living below me could take no more of it. That lady was picky about a number of things, although she was always nice to me (but then, I made a point to be nice to her). Thankfully, she's no longer here so I'm not hearing arguments out in the parking lot any more, and that poor girl (who also has a baby) is being left alone. I had a neighbor next to me when I first moved in, and he was cool, we exchanged a few pleasantries. But he moved, and now there's a new guy living there who just seems to be messy and inconsiderate. We occasionally have papers taped to our doors, whether it's the complex newsletter, a home made ad for a local kid hoping on doing odd jobs to make a little cash, or ads/menus for some of the local restaurants. Every few days there's something new taped to our doors. And this new guy just grabs them off his door, crinkles it up and throws it on the ground. As our doors are directly across from eachother, we share a breeze way, and this "trash" is in my entryway as much as it is his. The first time, I just let it sit there, seeing if he'd ever pick it up, but after another crinkled up ad was added to it, I just picked them up and threw them out myself. Now when I see papers taped to our doors, I know within a few hours, his will be in my entryway. I'm tempted to just take it down off his door before he gets to it himself, but if he just so happens to come home or open the door just as I'm taking it off... *shudders* Yeash, I don't want to know what he'd do/say.

Cassini90125 03-15-2008 09:30 PM

Here's another idiot neighbor story. Several years ago the woman living above me used to complain about the noise I was making. She would respond to the noise by stomping all over the place like a herd of rabid rhinosaurus. What was noise to her? Closing the microwave door. Coughing. Running the bathroom fan in the early morning hours, which is unavoidable because it works from the same damn switch as the lights. To top it off, I later discovered that this miserable old hag complained about the noise when I wasn't even home. Who knows? Maybe the centipedes had a few parties while I was out. Apparently I sing loudly, too, which is surprising because I don't sing! Crazy dried-up old windbag made my life hell for a long time until I finally blew a fuse and shut her down. She eventually went to a nursing home, and I sincerely hope it was one of the bad ones. :frankiemad:

CagedWings67 03-16-2008 10:01 AM

I have a lot of school related things that are ticking me off right now. Thank God that I’m going to high-school next year… or not. I hate my middle school. I absolutely LOATHE it. Whenever the bell rings, signaling that the school day has just begun, I feel like I’m walking through the doors of hell. I hate everything there. I really do. I have about two major things that I want to talk about.
1. Gym class. I used to love it, but now I despise it. What we do there, is just downright stupid. We play practically every single game you can think of, that will involve someone getting hurt. Every day, there is someone going to the nurse’s office, because they got hit in the face with something. The gym teachers love the athletic kids, but loathe people like my friends and I, who get smacked in the face with dodge balls or whatever. That is why I am failing. I don’t want to get smacked in the face with anything. What’s the point of playing those games, anyway? Would the point be to let kids loose confidence in themselves by pain and suffering?
2. The kids. Practically every kid in the school is either disrespectful, snotty, or stuck-up. In the entire school, I only have six friends. One sixth grader, one seventh grader, and four eighth graders. When I was walking down the hall to my math class (which is downstairs. I take remedial math. -_-’ ) I saw my sixth grade friend’s best friend, I said hi, and he said in the most rudest voice I have EVER heard, “DON’T TALK TO ME!” He ran away after that. I thought that was one of the most stuck-up kids that I have ever come across. Also, I have someone that I have had lockers next to every single year, that has anger management problems. He always kicks the crud out of his locker when he goes to open it, and he swears up a storm. Whenever I accidentally push his locker door over, he gets these fierce eyes and he says, “WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING? THAT’S MY ******** LOCKER, YOU SON OF A *****!!!!!!!!!!” The teachers don’t even do anything about it. Also, picture your computer screen on a normal computer, not a laptop. You picture it? Good. That’s almost exactly the width of our lockers. We don’t have much space at all. Oh yeah, on Friday, my locker neighbor with the anger management problems got into a fight. He got an escort out of the school by the police.

And Cassini, you made me think of something that I wanted to say. I live right next to a nursing home, and there is a huge driveway that my cousin and I love to skateboard on. A few years ago, when we were thinking of something to do, we thought of skateboarding, since it was a nice day. We got our stuff, and headed for the big driveway. When we were there, we were doing what we usually did on the driveway, not making any disturbing noises. We were just talking, since we hardly saw each other anymore. An old woman walked out with her cane, and shouted, “You two better get you’re fanny’s out of this property, or I’ll call the nursing home administrator that you are making a ruckus! Get out or I’ll tell the administrator to call your parents!” At that, my cousin and I ran back home. We’ve never been in that driveway since then. Man, that woman probably had amazing ears… or probably hearing aids. I’m terrified of old people now. I remember that day like it happened just five minutes ago.

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