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Mr. Marshmallow 02-02-2007 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by taranchula (Post 31682)
PikaBloo!? 8D

I just KNEW that joke was gonna show up. I remember when that blue mouse Pokemon, Marril came out, the name going around the web was actually Pikablue.

Of course it turned out to be wrong but still, funny little tidbit.

"C" the Dragon 02-02-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Crash-N-Cortex (Post 31564)
Here's what I think some of the Foster's characters should dress up for Halloween:

(These Foster characters are dressed up as characters from Pokemon)
Mac - Ash Ketchum
Frankie - Misty
Bloo - Pikachu (Bloo wearing a Pikachu hat)
Richie - Gary Oak

Whenever I see something like that, I keep on thinking and thinking that Wilt should be Brock.:P DON'T ASK ME WHY!!! I DON'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE EITHER!!!!:terrence: Is that okay?

frankie_fan 02-02-2007 05:36 PM

Foster's characters as The Pink Panther characters. Keep in mind that I'm referring to the Steve Martin version, not the Peter Sellers one.

Bloo - Inspector Clouseau
Mac - Ponton
Frankie - Xania
Goo - Nicole
Mr Herriman - Dreyfus
Terrence - Yuri
Wilt - Yves Gluant
Eduardo - Larocque
Coco - Cherie

"C" the Dragon 02-03-2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by frankie_fan (Post 31711)
Foster's characters as The Pink Panther characters. Keep in mind that I'm referring to the Steve Martin version, not the Peter Sellers one.

Bloo - Inspector Clouseau
Mac - Ponton
Frankie - Xania
Goo - Nicole
Mr Herriman - Dreyfus
Terrence - Yuri
Wilt - Yves Gluant
Eduardo - Larocque
Coco - Cherie

Problem: I seen the movie before, but I forgot the rest of the characters.:P But nice choices!:D

I've been thinking about the Fosters characters being "Class of 3000" characters. Here's my guess:

Lil' D: Mac
Eddie: Eduardo
Tamika: Frankie
Philly Phil: Wilt
Kim: Coco
Kam: Bloo (I know they don't match, but Kim and Kam don't get along very much and neither does Coco and Bloo)
Madison: Goo
Princibal Luna: Mr. Herriman

Now I don't have a clue of who's gonna be Sunny, so give me any ideas if you have any, please.:)

Voxxyn 02-03-2007 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon (Post 31877)
Tamika: Frankie

No offense, but I dislike that suggestion with super enormous intensity. I find it almost as upsetting as Frankie being selected as one of the rotten kids in Willy Wonka parodies. :frankiemad:

"C" the Dragon 02-03-2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxyn (Post 31886)
No offense, but I dislike that suggestion with super enormous intensity. I find it almost as upsetting as Frankie being selected as one of the rotten kids in Willy Wonka parodies. :frankiemad:

I should've think before I submit.:P I'm starting to think that Berry fits the role better. Sorry for upseting you.

Mr. Marshmallow 02-04-2007 05:24 PM

I'm a big freaking Buffy fan so I'd be a shameful fan if I didn't do a Foster's Buffy Halloween set up:

Frankie - Buffy Summers
Eduardo - Oz
Bloo - Xander Harris
Mac - Riley Finn
Mr. Herriman - Rupert Giles
Wilt - Angel
Berry - Anya/Anyanka
Coco - Willow Rosenberg
Terrance - Andrew
Goo - Cordelia Chase
Dylan - Parker
Douglas and Adam - Warren and Jonathan
Duchess - Professor Maggie Walsh

"C" the Dragon 02-05-2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 32130)
I'm a big freaking Buffy fan so I'd be a shameful fan if I didn't do a Foster's Buffy Halloween set up:

Frankie - Buffy Summers
Eduardo - Oz
Bloo - Xander Harris
Mac - Riley Finn
Mr. Herriman - Rupert Giles
Wilt - Angel
Berry - Anya/Anyanka
Coco - Willow Rosenberg
Terrance - Andrew
Goo - Cordelia Chase
Dylan - Parker
Douglas and Adam - Warren and Jonathan
Duchess - Professor Maggie Walsh

Never heard of "Buffy". Is it "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"? It's a guess.:P

Mr. Marshmallow 02-05-2007 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon (Post 32276)
Never heard of "Buffy". Is it "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"? It's a guess.:P

Uh yes :jk:.

"C" the Dragon 02-06-2007 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 32327)
Uh yes :jk:.

Well, I never saw "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" before. What rate is it? Is it appropiate for kids? I can't watch shows that are not for my age, so I have to be careful.:P (I'm now 14)

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