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Nyo 12-11-2006 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow (Post 20155)
Like those god awful Comcast commercials where the guy climbs up on his roof top during a thunder storm to bash his satellite dish with a baseball bat to get good reception? WHO THE HELL DOES THAT? Come on, no one is that desperate to watch cable for god's sakes. I use Comcast myself but still, it's just idiotic.

I agree, those Comcast commericals are just plain damn STUPID.

I also hated the Comcast commerical where the Happy Feet penguins teach some little girl how to dance like them. Very annoying IMHO. >:(

Cassini90125 12-11-2006 06:35 PM

The latest horror I've seen is a new commercial for Afrin nasal spray, which features a pair of what I can only describe as "Boogeroids". Totally gross. :P

Nyo 12-12-2006 01:12 PM

I extremely hate those MIR commericals. They all feature some little girl who talks in a monotone voice about HD TVs.

SkittleMonkey 12-14-2006 09:29 AM

What, you mean like that one where that little girl is standing next to that elephant in the field of flowers? I thought those were hilarious!

"It's the mirrors..."

fosters home fan 12-14-2006 01:54 PM

okay here is my list
Since there's a LOT of commercials that annoy me, I made a list of the commercials ( I will describe ones that have not been talked about much)

Head-on (even the new version)>:(

Any (new) TOON DISNEY ad annoys me to no end:frankiemad:

any hot wheels,bratz,barbie,MATTEL brand toy commercials.GACK! :P

there's my list , I hope I didn't make any spam.

Tonya 12-14-2006 03:44 PM

Nope, not spam to me.
Anyone ever seen the Baby's Buttpaste commercial? I laugh every time they say Buttpaste-immature, I know.

Partymember 12-15-2006 06:27 PM

those commercials where the little kid will start talking about how awesome "clean" coal!

BabyElephant 12-15-2006 11:07 PM

There's this commercial for BMW that shows 2 little kids opening their presents on Christmas morn and screaming with glee. And screaming. And screaming. It literally sets my teeth on edge. :terrence:

Nyo 12-16-2006 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by BabyElephant (Post 22574)
There's this commercial for BMW that shows 2 little kids opening their presents on Christmas morn and screaming with glee. And screaming. And screaming. It literally sets my teeth on edge. :terrence:

It's based on Nintendo 64 Kid .

creamz06 12-27-2006 11:04 PM

I have always hated that HeadOn commercial...

"HeadOn Apply Directly to your forehead! HeadOn Apply... HeadON I CAN'T STAND your commercial but your product is amazing."

I saw HeadOn at our grocery store. :wiltshock:

Jeez, what if someone had a headache and used HeadOn... but nothing happens? What if his/her headache didn't go away? 8D That'd be hilarious if that person went onto the commercial saying that the product didn't work.

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