koosie |
08-07-2009 03:21 PM |
I put it off for a long time, perhaps a little bit of me refusing to accept that the ride was over but pain ends when acceptance begins and besides I'm sure I would have picked up from everyone round here if anything controversial or traumatic had happened even though I'd carefully stayed off this and the character threads till the deed was done.
I was sad though, made slightly more so by all the references to past events and goodbye appearances from everyone. Had the shark in glasses appeared anywhere before? He looked so familiar. Anyway, the shark was never jumped! Not by Bloo or this show in all its run. Not even a dogfish was casually hopped! Take pride in that, Fosters chums. Never. No matter what you all said about Peas, it was still charming or hilarious or manic or at the very least reassuring till the very end.
Anyway back to this episode, you just knew Mac wouldn't be so casual about leaving behind Bloo and all his friends though the confirmation of the resumption of the status quo in perpetuity probably took the sting out of the bombshell he dropped right at the end which was especially brilliant as you had the feeling as the viewer that this was an opportune moment to depart.
Well now the curtain's come down content oneself to think that these beautiful events we have viewed have now been transmitted and are moving out into the universe in all directions. We may have been the privileged first of many to enjoy Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends.