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Medikor 08-10-2007 07:12 AM

I don't know if they would actually make a list like that. They may leave it to the fans imagination. But I can't see them doing that for another matter: Getting the rights to use the names of real life bands on the show. They would probably just use cleaver word play, though. Like "Shmee-bay".;)

floppynoodleson666 08-10-2007 08:41 AM

well, I don't mean as a plot point for the show, just say Mr. McCracken and I were having tea. Then I would begin discussing what kind of punk bands Frankie likes with him (among other things). Just because I'm curious. you know what I mean?

Medikor 08-10-2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by floppynoodleson666 (Post 53365)
well, I don't mean as a plot point for the show, just say Mr. McCracken and I were having tea. Then I would begin discussing what kind of punk bands Frankie likes with him (among other things). Just because I'm curious. you know what I mean?

Yeah I get what your saying now. I would certainly be cool to have an opportunity like that. And learning more about Frankie would make it even cooler.:D

Xroc88 09-18-2007 07:53 AM

Every time i think of frankie the name fontane comes to my head, then i think of bioshock.

Cassini90125 11-22-2007 10:03 PM

Okay, this thread has been too quiet for too long.

Given that Thanksgiving was yesterday (in my time zone, at least), I can't help but wonder what goes on in Foster's kitchen, not just on major feast days but every other day, too. I assume Frankie is more than competent at cooking and other aspects of kitchen work; she'd have to be, or someone else would be doing the job. I'm wondering what sorts of dishes she favors when preparing meals for the house; I don't recall the show touching on that too much. True, we saw a full meal in Dinner Is Swerved, but I would think that much of the time she would make relatively easy, one-dish meals, things like pasta, stew, etc. Feeding over a thousand IF's three times a day doesn't really lend itself to fancy meals; she wouldn't have the time to do it. But even a simple dish of spaghetti can have endless possibilities; I've seen, made and used many different sauces on spaghetti and other pasta shapes. What do you guys think? I'm guessing Frankie serves relatively easy meals most of the time, with fancier or more complex meals on holidays and special occasions, and probably plans most such meals as far ahead of time as she can. How about you?

Shelltoon 11-23-2007 08:56 AM

I've been trying to come up with a response all day. The best I could come up with was:

She most likely makes her meals as healthy as possible using fresh, whole wheat, and organic ingredients, but occasionally lets them slide by with a little something like Ice Cream if she feels the friends deserve a break from nutritional foods.

Mr. Marshmallow 11-23-2007 11:44 AM

I think Frankie usually does cook "simple meals" like spaghetti or steaks or something. Something that doesn't require a lot of specific recipe changes or anything. Cause like Cass said, she has to cook for thousands of mouths and that includes different tastes, needs, and such and such.

I think by creating simple meals she makes it so everyone can appreciate it. Either that, or I think the IF's enjoy whatever food they can get. I mean realistically, cooking for so many people and cleaning as well, Frankie can't expected to cater every IF specific need even when she was president.

The sheer amount of responsibilities is mind boggling, such an ass load is enough to make most people mentally break down. Since were on her cooking, I wonder if Frankie had anyone teach her or did she just self taught from books or cooking shows. Another thing I wonder, what did Frankie lose belief in Santa over?

Was it just a natural sense of disbelief due to growing up, or did something happen in her life that made her think otherwise. She's clearly not against the idea of imaginary characters existing because at the end of the Christmas special, she couldn't deny the fact that Mac was right about Santa.

What do you guys think?

Medikor 11-23-2007 12:34 PM

I don't think Frankie actually does any meals outside of supper/dinner. We've seen in episodes that she may just leave a variety of breakfast foods and items like cereal and juice on the table so the friends can help themselves. And lunch seems to be another case of friends providing for themselves. I think we've only seen Frankie make lunches on request.
And I think Cass is right on the money about Frankie likely making premade dinners and meals for most days. We have seen her do this in Foster's goes to Europe. I can't see anyone expecting her to actually cook big meals for the friends everyday. Maybe once or twice a week but not everyday.
I'm sure she must have a love of cooking. Madame Foster clearly likes to pass on old family recipes to her as we've seen in Crime After Crime. And I'm more than certain that she gets a kick out of seeing the friends look so happy and content with full bellies.
As for her belief/disbelief in Santa, I'm sure that her belief in him was always there, just repressed. It could have simply been a matter of hearing other kids at school say he's not real when she was younger. Another possibility could be that all the commercialism hindered her belief in the big red guy. Seeing dozens of imaginary Santa's filling out the house every year could certainly have given her doubts.
We still don't know much of her past so that could be a possibility too. By all we know her parents may have passed away, one way or another, and caused her to grow up a little too fast. It may even just be a matter of her trying to fit in with other people and trying to seem "normal" to others.

Howard 11-23-2007 02:51 PM

Do you folks realize if Grandma Foster passes away - Frankie gets some prime real estate? I do not think it would go to Herriman, because he is not real family blood. Now a victorian style house in the pacific northwest ususally runs in the $1 million to many million mark. I bust my butt to keep two homes that I own, up. Frankie just inherits a prime house! Think about it!:frankiesmile:

Partymember 11-23-2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by duck2k (Post 64947)
Do you folks realize if Grandma Foster passes away - Frankie gets some prime real estate? I do not think it would go to Herriman, because he is not real family blood. Now a victorian style house in the pacific northwest ususally runs in the $1 million to many million mark. I bust my butt to keep two homes that I own, up. Frankie just inherits a prime house! Think about it!:frankiesmile:

wow...and i wonder if she'd get a tax break for being a non-profit charitable organization?

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