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Medikor 02-11-2008 06:31 PM

When people use that silly L33T talk offline. It can be hard to not feel silly talking to someone who actually says "LOL" in public.::)

Sparky 02-11-2008 06:42 PM

I often have to suppress the urge to do that. :D

Years ago I had some friends who chatted on bulletin boards (thats' all there was back then) so much that sometimes they would flutter their fingers as if typing while telling you what they had said to someone earlier, whether it had been online or not.

Medikor 02-11-2008 06:55 PM

That reminds me of how my brother will inadvertently pick up an accent from watching a movie. Usually english after Harry Potter.8D

Sparky 02-11-2008 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Medikor (Post 71464)
That reminds me of how my brother will inadvertently pick up an accent from watching a movie. Usually english after Harry Potter.8D

I think in an accent sometimes after watching a movie/TV show...and I now permanently use British spelling after years of reading English classics. I have to force myself not to when it's necessary. In fact I got a full letter grade knocked off my first essay in one class in college because of the British spelling. The professor wrote on the top of the page "You're in America now." Of course, I've never been OUT of America, lol....

That essay incident ticked me off so it fits here anyhow. ;) I wound up dropping that class.

some guy you dont know 02-12-2008 07:26 AM

being sick on a snow day. its possibly the worst day to get sick :l

also, holidays in general. most (if not all) holidays serve no true purpose except to brag that you made it through another year, you have a lover, or just that you can get free stuff without reason.

Diamond Duchess 02-12-2008 05:08 PM

TMZ, that celebrity "infotainment" show.

I do not like this program, period. Compared to some of the other infotainment shows out there, their style is incredibly classless and somewhat demeaing with regards to the celebrities they highlight. Also, their announcer guy's voice is really annoying. :P

I've only seen a handful of clips from this show, but they were enough to put me off it.

Cassini90125 02-12-2008 05:43 PM

My local Stop & Shop, formerly open 24 hours per day, now closes at midnight. Doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is if you prefer to do your shopping in a crowd-free enviroment, which is what the post-midnight time period offered. No screaming children to dodge, no self-involved idiots on cell phones crashing into you, and no lines at the registers. I'll miss it quite a bit. :madbloo:

Sparky 02-12-2008 06:21 PM

Oh yeah my roommate and I used to go grocery shopping at like 2 am. That was awesome. I feel for you.

Lynnie 02-12-2008 06:24 PM

As of today, I dislike my job with great intensity. Even more so than I previously had. :madbloo:

Sparky 02-12-2008 06:30 PM

Oh, I have one. My Dremel just broke. works on low speed and not high. I need the high speed to cut through thick plastic. I have been meaning to get a new, better Dremel and all, I just can't afford it now. I'm trying to get a prop done for WonderCon and a problem. :P I'm going to have think of something else now to try to get this thing built. It'd suck if I spent all my money at home then I got to WC and couldn't even buy anything...Buying stuff is basically the only reason we're even going. :(

edit: Lol and now my sewing machine's acting up. Fuuuuun. :/

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