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Zazzle is a site where, like Cafepress, you can upload images and make stuff. They have several things Cafepress doesn't have, like skateboards and ties.
I've just been made aware that they also have shoes. SHOES. :wiltshock: I so want some custom shoes now. |
Work pretty much sucked for the most part this week, except for this.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...on-article.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v6...n-article1.jpg This month, I am featured in my employer's newsletter for the local call center under the section "Employee Spotlight". I was asked by one of the people at work if I would be willing to share a bit of what I experienced at Comic-Con throughout the years. I told him that I would definitely do just that. Some of the photos posted in the article were from this year, some in the past, and a few simply not mine at all. On Thursday, the latest month of my call center's newsletter was release, and now, I get to post it. Right as I was about to finish my last break on Thursday, as you may have seen on this article, I did mention a certain moment or two that came from Comic-Con in previous years, and it was posted on YouTube. Well, it turned out that a small group of fellow employees were watching it! lol You know, if this happened 10 or more years ago and people saw it, I probably would not like people seeing this sort of thing. Now, I simply don't care. People enjoyed the video! :bloogrin: Also, I discovered the first photo of me in the Bloo costume taken from someone outside of NF and from Facebook. You can see it here. The person next to me in that photo is none other than Kelsey Mann, a storyboard artist currently working for Pixar (formerly with CN). |
That is totally awesome. Congratulations on the article, dude! ;D
I've said it before but I'll say it again. That's just terrific Ord! I'm very happy for you! It's exciting getting your pic in a newsletter, forget about a whole article. :bloogrin: :yeah:
And by first photo I assume you're meaning the first photo taken this year at the Con of you in the costume. Because the very first photo I've seen is this from the Anime Expo of '06. :) |
That's what I thought. :) I just didn't want anyone else to get confused in thinking that was the very first picture of your Bloo costume. Because it's definitely not. ;)
I originally wondered if I was just off camera in that shot, but it was probably taken a few minutes before I escaped the mob that was the exhibit hall and found you guys. Man, I was so out of it that day! 8D Exhausted, dehydrated, confused, lost. It was great though. And after a good night's sleep, I felt soooo much better the next day. Certainly a memory that will last a lifetime. |
That's totally awesome, employee newsletter this year, Cartoon Network short news type piece appearance last year...
What's next for 2010? G-4TV appearance perhaps? ;) |
You and your Bloo costume sure get around, ORD! As I already said on FB, many congrats on that article, it goes without saying that you wholly deserve to be recognised, not just for being a great worker, but for your interests outside of work too.:bloogrin:
I got the Cats Don't Dance soundtrack for my birthday. That definitely made my day...
:bloogrin: |
This month's issue of Scientific American arrived today. I love this magazine and look forward to every issue. This month is their annual single-topic issue; the subject this time around is "Origins", and inside are articles on the origins of life, intelligence, the universe, etc. This promises to make for some truly fascinating reading. ;D
My dad has Skype, and even a built in camera on his laptop, and tonight while talking to my brother on the phone, my dad talked him into installing Skype on his own computer. So I got to have a video call with my brother, whom I haven't seen in years. It was very cool, and I enjoyed talking to him and my sis-in-law. :)
I found out that my all time favorite online website "character", The Nostalgic Critic, is going to be one of the guests at an anime convention I am attending on Halloween weekend in Dearborn, Michigan. The con is called "Youmacon" and I was already planning on going but now this is a HUGE bonus for me!
This guy is hilarious, he has one of the funniest minds I've seen online and he doesn't hold back a bit at ranting and ripping on movies and cartoons. Here's his work at his website just click under "The Nostalgic critic", though be warned, he drops the F bomb quite a bit. www.thatguywiththeglasses.com |
Seriously though that is one of the better (and quotable) original humor websites on the web, in fact last night something caught me off guard, that I caused me to yell to myself "What? What? Pumpkin? What? Pumpkin? What?!" |
I saw today that my local Disney Store had had its first shipment of Up merchandise, so I went in and bought a plush toy and fridge magnet of Alpha the doberman (the film doesn't come out in the UK for another month, since they're clearly holding it over to be the big family movie for the October half-term, but from the trailers and clips I've seen thus far I think that Alpha's all set to be my favourite character). Anyway, the lady at the check-out informed me that I was the first person to buy Up merchandise at that particular store. So that made me feel special. :oops:
The cockatiel who lives across the courtyard has learned to wolf-whistle. Anyone who knows a tiel who can wolf-whistle will tell you, they will do it incessantly. This one holds a "concert" for about 40 minutes twice a day. I wouldn't want to be its owners, but from over here its awfully cute. :terrsmile:
CN actually stuck to their schedule today! Well, they did this morning anyway. And I got up in time to see none other than Foster's! I was so happy to see it on my TV screen, and knowing it wasn't a DVD, VHS or DVR recording that I was watching. It was actually on CN! I'm amazed and thrilled! :D
The eppie today was Affair Weather Friends. I enjoyed seeing Mac going into a sugar high again. 8D |
Just got a new bank card, a Visa, and got myself signed up to PayPal with it, so I may be able to buy online for the first time.:) |
My dad's in Minnesota for a week. It's much more quiet here. ;D
My heater came on for the first time last night since last spring. :) And it never got out of the 50s today. And on my way home from work it started raining cats and dogs. And after I got home, I heard thunder! :D It all builds up to be a pretty good day! Weather wise, at least.
Although, I suppose I had a good day at work today too. |
Went grocery shopping yesterday and wound up at the ice cream section to umm... buy umm... broccoli yeah that's it and found my favorite ice cream edy's peppermint is in stock early as it is only availble during christmas
:cmastree: so happy and some how some fell in my cart. |
I made something like 80-90 bucks on embroidered stuff today at a show. :D
...Finally. In the grand scheme of things it isn't much but it's good to finally sell stuff. |
It's a start. Congratulations! :terrsmile:
That's awesome Sparky! Congrats! Is there suppose to be a picture there? Cause if there is, it's not showing up for me (I'll play with it though, maybe I'll get my computer to load it for me if there is something there.)
No no picture, just a pause for effect. ;)
Heh, yeah, I didn't even see code for it. All is well then. :)
I bought a yo-yo yesterday. That alone made my day. :bloogrin:
We had an adventure...right when GM got home from work a little bird, wet from the storm, flopped to the ground in front of our apartment. I put him in a Kritter Keeper with a rag and set it on a heating pad and covered it with a t-shirt. He was really lethargic and kept his head tucked. Those of you who've been here a while might remember the escaped/lost/released pet rat I found some years ago that I tried to take care of and it died so this time I decided to call animal services. By the time the officer got out here the bird had revived and we let it go outside. :terrsmile:
Aw, I love happy stories concerning animals. What kind of bird was it? And yeah, I've been hearing about all the rain and wind in the Sacramento area, I hope you guys are doing ok.
Another happy animal story, though it started out scary, was when a customer at my work brought in a carrier with a cat in it last week, because it had been abandoned in a parking spot, right where it could have gotten run over! I nearly cried, and almost offered to take it home, I couldn't stand the thought of the kitty not having anyone to love it. The vet clinic in our store recognized it though, and confirmed the kitty had been in for its checkup only a few minutes earlier. They said the cat's humans were very nice, but had three young children so were probably distracted. The vet assistant said she'd call the owners. And sure enough, about 30 minutes later, a guy comes running in with a little girl in his arms, and retrieves the carrier, with their kitty still safe inside. They had gotten all the way home before they noticed they didn't have their cat. So, turns out the kitty wasn't abandoned after all, and the owners were frantic about it, showing they did indeed care about it. They just had their hands full with their human kids that day, I guess. I'm sure the kitty does get lots of love. :berry: |
I'm glad the cat wasn't actually abandoned! I heard a story about a lady who found an Amazon parrot in its cage abandoned at the dump. That still makes me want to cry. :'( It's bad enough when people stick their unwanted parrots in the basement or a closet permanently so they don't have to listen to the noise.
I think the bird was a female finch. It had a very finchy-looking beak, thick and wedge-shaped. It was just a drab brown-grey but appeared full-grown so was probably female. The rain's been scary and trees are down all over. The maintenance guys even knocked on my door to warn me I should move my car so its not under the big tree. |
When teachers allow a little leeway on their exams. Of my two masters level courses I am taking right now, both have allowed considerable leeway with taking the exams. One class of mine cut down the amount of points and questions for my upcoming midterm, my other class is letting me have its midterm online.
Both are EXTREMELY helpful on my stress levels :). |
I had some maintenance done on my car today, which gives me somewhat more ease in breathing. The biggest problem with my car has yet to be tended to, and I have no idea how much it will cost, but the $200 I spent today on it will help. I feel a little more comfortable driving it right now.
And I found a Wheat Penny from 1917 today!! I'm always thrilled to find a Wheat Penny from pre-1940, especially the 20s and teens!! :D Just think, in 1917, the First World War was still going on. Ladies still wore corsets. There was no radio yet. "Areoplanes" were only used for military and other official purposes. The Titanic sank only five years earlier. And it would be a whole 12 more years before the Great Depression would even start. So my new penny was minted, handled, and spent on things way back then. And it was touched by many people in my great-grandmother's time. Like these people! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3493/...b8d850155d.jpg (Pic is actually dated in 1917) I just love that thought. :) |
That pic is beautiful, Lynnie. I particularly like the ladies' hats.
The oldest coin I ever found was from 1826 when the Railway was brand new technology, Texas belonged to Mexico and Japan had no contact with the west. Different world, eh? |
Thanks, I wish I could take credit for that picture, but I can't. I just did an image search for "1917" and that was my favorite of the results. ;) I know, aren't the hats wonderful? Wide brims of the teens were still in. But the skirts were inching up and starting to look twenties. It was a fascinating era concerning fashion. The late 19-teens was an era in fashion commonly overlooked.
Did you really "find" that coin?? That's awesome if you did, and didn't buy it or trade for it or anything. All my coins I've found in circulation. The oldest one I have is another Wheat Penny from 1909. Ah, true Edwardian era! It's my pride and joy! :bloogrin: My dad has some coins from the 1880s, although I'm not sure where he got them. I think they were passed onto him from his father, although his father likely bought or traded for them. |
I made my first sale on Etsy. :yeah:
Cool! Selling things rules, esp if they're something you've created. As for my 1826 Penny, yeh I found it, though I can't remember where as I must have been very young. Probably scrambling around in the dirt as usual:cheesegrin: Actually it would be hard not to find it as it's enormous. It must be at least 4cm in diameter. |
The New York Yankees won their 27th World Series. ;D ;D ;D
^^ I got my very first nendroid today!
My ex-GF/roomie is moving out! I can live by myself again (like I have since I got out of the Navy). While I wished I had my old condo back, I can still live in this house (I own). Money will still be tight - but it will be good once again hopefully soon.:frankiesmile:
What made my day? Well it rained quite heavily today and though I got a bit wet out there it was really beautiful, especially when the sun was going down and the big towering blue clouds had this eerie dirty orange background. Now I'm dry and warm and it's time to go and make my ceremonial Friday curry. Nyum-nyum-nyum! |
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