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Ub3rD4n 05-28-2007 11:33 PM

Whoa! I hate to see Wilt torn up like that, but that is some (expletive deleted) fine art!

"C" the Dragon 05-29-2007 11:33 AM

I like how your two pieces came out!:D Woah, major spoilers in that one piece and not to mention intence!:wiltshock: Keep it up!:D

Vampyre 06-05-2007 12:40 PM

Thanks so much guys :D

This is just a line art, which means that it'll will be placed in my scraps eventually.

I made an attempt at a more... Realistic looking Wilt. I'm pleased with it, even if my bendy, flopy cartoon-y style still shines through.

Ub3rD4n 06-05-2007 05:53 PM

Well, I am of the opinion that imaginary friends turn out the way they're imagined and anatomy be...darned. But, if you were looking to draw Wilt in a more realistic style, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. Good job.

Vampyre 06-08-2007 09:03 AM

And here's the coloured version...

pitbulllady 06-08-2007 10:13 AM

I left you a comment and a fave on this latest one over at DA, but I'll say it again-EXCELLENT job!


"C" the Dragon 06-08-2007 11:17 AM

Both the sketch and the colored versions(sp?) of the realistic Wilt looks intresting.:D

One Radical Dude 06-08-2007 04:46 PM

It definitely has more of a realistic look here. Very impressive. Keep up the great work. :up:

Vampyre 07-01-2007 08:54 AM

Thank you SO much guys!

Here's a new one I posted up, like, ten seconds ago:

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

ptps 07-01-2007 10:55 AM

Wilt is an awesome dancer XD I love his stints in the Sugar-high Mac episode XD

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