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I'm close to finishing it!
I just get overly emotional over the guys I like,
so I have to be careful about when I watch it.
-is a completely hopeless fangirl-
so do I.
I haven't even finished the first yet.
I'm up to episode 8.
but I'm getting the other seasons anyway just so I have them there when I need them.
How many people have had the shot and how many people have died? I'm guessing the actual odds will be many thousands to one, perhaps less for the very elderly. I wouldn't start being anxious about it till you know the real likelyhood expressed as a cold hard number. I mean there are diseases that are so rare that only 1 in 500000000 will contract them but that itself means there may be up to a dozen very unlucky sufferers on this planet. If only 1 of them gets a high level of media attention then that can cause anxiety in millions of people all of whom will never get it.
For which Flu? I suppose it must be seasonal as the vaccine for the new one has only just been invented. Euuch I feel ill tonight. Just a bit tired and overworked is all.
What exactly is Earth studies? Must be a big subject. At least the size of a planet
I'd be more than happy with that one. Is that classic chime there called Westminster Chimes? Only someone I know has reported having come ito possession of such an object. I've asked for a picture.
How long you been back at school for? It's only just started up here. Saddest time of the year, this and that was always a big factor.