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I know a house where you can hear chimes just like that through the wall from the next house. It's good. Sounds like a ghost clock.
I notice thisperson also has a rotovater vid. I run one like that. What an odd thing to make a youtube video off. Perhaps he was flogging it.
Between Equinox and May Day is a special time. The buzz of life gets more urgent at all levels and colour explodes from ground where it's been waiting for all those dark dead months. I bet you've still got snow there haven't you?
Happy Easter to you too. I broke some bread and drank a little wine and then followed that with a big pile of chocolate which was yum. I like Easter and always do it properly.
Hello there. It was ok. I got rid of loads of weeds, watched some cats climbing trees, made a nice curry and oh loads of stuff. It was great. How about you.
It was nice. There was lots of little birds around making nests. They're such funny little folks, always busy. There's this tiny one called a Wren who's song is so loud, his whole body vibrates when he does it.