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Haha! Willie Whitelaw then? Maybe Lord Hailsham or Eric Heffer? Great men, in all senses. Anyway my Weasel Ball pal, my trade off was accepted so it's off to see Wall E & Batman tonight. Don't normally like to see more than one flick in a day because I like to have time to digest them but such was the price for taking someone even more cynical than me to a Disney movie.
I wasn't attacked by the bear. Two of my friends and I went to the washroom at about 3 AM last night, and we saw the bear there. But we called for help and ran back to the washroom before the bear could get close enough to attack us. Go to Koosie's profile if you want the full story...
The glove puppet? Now was he before or after Gordon the Gopher? They rest forever here in our hearts. I suppose i must rest soon too but it's so fun duelling nostalgia with you, JJ.
He used to say " I 'ate that duck!" (He wasn't very well spoken hence the dropped H). Actually he wasn't alone, I don't recall anyone liking poor Orville. Like him though I wish I could fly, right up to the sky but I can't. Something we also share with Cheep from 'Orm and Cheep' narrated by Good Life nightmare and voice of Dill the Dog Richard Briers. Now theres a lot of nostalgia in one paragraph.
Well I'd kind of drawn a line at Mamma-mia. Not that I dislike the music of Abba, in fact I think it's terrific but I dunno...I think I'd rather see a Bat-Man or a Wall-E right now. So have you made a break for the duck-pond recently?