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Showing Visitor Messages 131 to 140 of 514
  1. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:57 PM
    I'd have noticed a Wasp for sure. Very likely a Mozzy, the little scumbags. They say the Malarial vectors will reach us in a few years here in the UK. We're all very concerned. Hey Swine Flu's buzzing along now here too. It's picking up virulance and drug-resistance as it goes.
  2. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:38 PM
    I'm still not sure what kind of insect it was. If only we could negotiate with them! I'd happily give them any amount of blood they want if they would refrain from sticking that poison in me. Please!
  3. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:34 PM
    Yes I've been bitten bad this summer. I'm real itchy and sometimes a bad one gives me quite an extreme reaction. I got one on the forearm earlier in the month that made it swell up like it was one of Arnie Schwarzenegger's. It could have been quite embarrassing had anyone wrongly considered why only one arm was so well developed.
  4. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:26 PM
    do you have big bug probs?
  5. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:14 PM
    Oh I see. Could you temporize somehow with net and aruldite?
  6. koosie
    07-04-2009 01:08 PM
    Why is ther a mesh screen in front of it?
  7. koosie
    07-04-2009 12:58 PM
    Othr people might not exist. They may just be computer programs designed to act like people. Insects are more real to you than these people. Insects are your friends.
    Anyway by glazier I actually meant a tradesman. Glass can be tricky and dangerous stuff. Actually you need Vinny. He was a glass artist wasn't he?
  8. koosie
    07-04-2009 12:50 PM
    Don't you need a glazier? Any particular things?
  9. koosie
    07-04-2009 12:47 PM
    whose window screen where?
  10. koosie
    07-04-2009 12:35 PM
    It's wearing a big plastic splint. It's made me a bit useless in certain important areas

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  • About fosters home fan
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    Favorite Character(s)
    most of them
    I am almost 16 years old for the moment
    Behind the Cheddar Curtain
    micromodels, the internet, pokemon, and this forum.
    making noisemakers
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  • Last Activity: 07-31-2015 12:37 AM
  • Join Date: 12-10-2006


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