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pitbulllady pitbulllady is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Nebula
    09-22-2017 05:23 PM
  2. ryanjf97
    12-18-2009 04:53 PM
    double hi
  3. pitbulllady
    02-24-2009 01:01 PM
    Don't feel bad...with all I've been through lately, I've been really lax in greeting new members to the forum. I only have real internet access for a few hours each evening, IF I'm lucky, due to my job, and most of the time I don't get around to posting much these days. I appreciate you taking time to say, "Hi", though. It's one of those things that made the rest of my Tuesday not seem quite so aggravating, so thanks!

  4. HerrimanWasHere
    02-24-2009 09:18 AM
    You know....I've never said "Hi" to you....

    So Hi! ^_^

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