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Conversation Between BluebottleFlyer and Lynnie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. BluebottleFlyer
    01-15-2010 04:15 PM
    Thanks much, great to hear from you. If you get those shoes, you'll love them .
  2. Lynnie
    01-15-2010 04:12 PM
    Hey Mark! Been a while since I heard from you here. Love those new Converse shoes. I've been wanting a pair of my own for a while, but now I'm wanting them even more.
  3. BluebottleFlyer
    01-15-2010 04:06 PM
    Hi Lynnie, just stopping by to say hi.
  4. BluebottleFlyer
    07-22-2008 10:56 PM
    Thanks, Lynnie. It's great to be here.
  5. Lynnie
    07-22-2008 10:53 PM
    Yay, you made it safe and sound it looks like. Welcome to the States BBF!

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