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Conversation Between Bloo2daMacs and koosie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
  1. koosie
    08-16-2008 01:24 PM
    At least you look happy out there, lost ...but I suppose with a Donkey and Lama (?) you've got it made.
  2. Bloo2daMacs
    08-15-2008 10:02 PM
    Well, we're really... lost in the middle of nowhere. It's a long story...
  3. koosie
    08-15-2008 04:13 PM
    That makes more sense. It would have to be a very little donkey. Where are you anyway? It looks pretty desolate but at least you're with friends.
  4. Bloo2daMacs
    08-09-2008 05:18 PM
    Well, it's angry because I'm blocking it's beautiful forehead from the photo.
  5. koosie
    08-09-2008 03:52 PM
    Hey good pic, B2DM! I wish I was there. It looks great!
    Are you petting an angry donkey?
  6. Bloo2daMacs
    07-13-2008 10:34 AM
  7. koosie
    07-12-2008 09:20 AM
  8. Bloo2daMacs
    07-12-2008 09:16 AM
    I laughed out loud.
  9. koosie
    07-12-2008 09:12 AM
    Rhyming couplets fill my head
    People wish that I was dead:
    "Just shut up you stupid man"
    They're assuming that I can
    But dustbins here inside attack
    Like steel claws, they hold me back
    So I just rhyme on and on
    and one happy day I will be gone.
  10. Bloo2daMacs
    07-12-2008 09:03 AM
    Rhyming is good,
    Rhyming ain't bad,

    .....I can't think of any rhymes.

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