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Conversation Between Sparky and taranchula
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. taranchula
    06-01-2009 06:52 PM
    Now you know, filled with old favorites and even wilder stuff that crosses the line of insanity even further than before.

    You haven't lived until you've seen Rue McClanahan offering pet care advice or a well known deity doing his impression of He-Man. (I wish I were making that one up)
  2. Sparky
    06-01-2009 06:40 PM
    No I hadn't seen it...didn't know there was a, either.
  3. taranchula
    06-01-2009 06:26 PM
    Hey, look what I just found...our old friend Kong...going away...again and again.

    (Sorry if you already knew about this, but I just saw it on Youtube and couldn't resist.)

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