Oh that's good. I'm assuming you started at the beginning of the year, right? (The Teacher assistant course)
And I'm in need of your help if it is convenient for you, and it needs to be someone who will think like a teacher would.
You see, my English teacher told everyone to write a story about a myth or legend they made up, and I'm trying to base mine off of episode 75 of FHFIF (Bloo Superdude and the Great Creator of Everything's Ceremony That He's Not Invited To)
Now usually, I'm very good and confident with my writing, but all my past stories always are a lot darker than this one (I'm trying to make this one light and funny, like FHFIF) So since you're pretty much teacher-esque, I was wondering if you could proof-read the story if you're not too busy. In the case if its not good, I actually have a back-up story that Im confident is good, just not the one I want to do.
Whether you decline or accept, thank you