Hello, Aerostar! thanks for the add...yeah, it has been a long time, and for that I apologise. The end of my university career has turned out to be even more of a disruptive time-drain than I'd expected; I always expected that things would be hectic in the run-up to the finals, but even now that I've graduated, I don't feel as though I can properly relax until I've found work, got my roots bedded down again and generally gotten my life in some sort of order. Fun times!

Net result is, of course, that my time spent here has been cut to minutes a day at most; I know how long I can end up typing here if I'm not careful, so I've been limiting myself. As soon as things settle down a bit, though - and hopefully they will over the next few months - I promise you'll see more of me.
Hope everything's going well for you!
PS - To briefly follow up the one post I have made in the last three months - no, I really didn't like
Wall-E, either at the time or on reflection, and it does kind of burn me up. I wish I could see the genius that everyone else did, really I do, but...I just can't.