Craig McCracken and Lauren Faust posing with ORD in his Bloo costume

Okay so here are a bunch of photos from CCI 2008 that have at least something to do with Foster's Home, whether they be directly related or just somewhat (such as photos of forum members). Enjoy! Photos on this page were taken by forum members Sparky (that's me), One Radical Dude, BluebottleFlyer, and Cassini90125. (Psst by the way, no car troubles this year! We did, however, end up with a fridge in our hotel room that FROZE everything! No manner of fiddling with the controls would make it stop. They finally replaced it with another two days before we left, but much of the stuff we put in there was ruined/useless. At least my insulin was not destroyed, which would have sucked as I have no health insurance and I would have had to buy more, and that stuff is expensive. Anyways.)

Fusionfall is still coming. We got to play a demo of it, and the FF folks are going to see about pushing
ORD and I to beta status when that's available so we can bring you all the latest news on gameplay.

Okay so here is me and ORD in our costumes. That Bloo costume is now in my bedroom by the way.
Maybe that way I won't have to practically rebuild it AGAIN next year, lol...

Frankie and Goo cosplay!

The complete Galaxy Girls set at Lauren's booth.

Lauren Faust. I have that shirt too. It's cuter on her though.

The Powerpuff Girls/Foster's Home panel lineup: Tome Kane, Keith Ferguson, Tom Kenny, Cathy Cavadini,
Tara Strong, EG Daily, Craig McCracken, and Lauren Faust.

Lauren and Craig.

Keith Ferguson.

Tara Strong.

Tom Kane.

Tom Kenny holding up the autograph he just did for BBF. I believe it says:
"Mark - I like potatoes! Eduardo."

The Bloo bobblehead ORD bought and had signed - what you see there is what Keith wrote on the back
("Carlos! Always a blast, dude! Take care, Comic-Con forever!")

Okay, this was the fault of GM and I. The Bloo costume had to be stored in our room (both because
I needed to repair it and our room was closest to the convention center) and we needed to put
the head somewhere. So we put it on top of the TV hutch. Then I put our gorilla arm props under it.
Then GM put his Hershey's hat on top of it. The one eye is way up at the top because it was having
trouble staying on. And thus was born this hideous affront to nature, the Hairy-Armed Bloo Head.

Bluebottle Flyer (give 'im a hand, folks, he's British!) and One Radical Dude.

CG (on the right) with her friend Matt. (They're Australian!)

Bluebottle Flyer and taranchula.

Government Man and me. CTRL ALT SHIFT KILL!! (Oh and WHAM-O!)

Cassini90125 (who as always doesn't want his face shown online), Government Man, Bluebottle Flyer,
Sparky, and taranchula. One Radical Dude took the photo.

And then ORD dropped his ice cream cone. Nooooo!


This site maintained by C. "Sparky" Read.